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Grabbing her hair in pure dilemma, Aurora pulled them harshly before letting out a small scream filled with agony and irritation. The memory of her birthday night kept on disturbing her for the last three days, she had tried so hard to get it off her mind and move on from as she named it as a mistake, for her it was definitely a huge mistake! She stared at her reflection in the mirror before her eyes fell on her lips.

His not so soft yet firm lips over hers, the way he pulled her waist and made her sit on his lap while he made sure to devour her lips like it was his most favourite dish, the way his slender fingers curled over her scattered hair tugging her head forward so he could kiss her harder and with irrecoverable passion, she could still feel those ardent lips bruising her soft ones, that moment even against her will felt too unreal, and magical.

She had kissed Max many times, they were involved in a passionate make out many times but it never felt this good, Ace did use his tongue to taste her thoroughly until her breath was completely swallowed by his fervid lips but it was something different, something more solicitous yet zealous. She never knew kissing could be that different, all she shared with Max were rough and lustful smooches but with Ace, she realised it was a kiss by a man.

That night, their lips stayed glued against each other for as long as she remembered, even when he broke the kiss to let her breathe she was damned to accept that it was her who went for another dive in that forbidden inferno of kiss, Ace didn't mind keeping her all night on his lap as he bruised those rosy strawberry lips of hers, it only felt how desperately he waited to attain that chance and indeed he took full advantage to satiate the burning need in his heart.

Just when the kiss ended and the greed to taste the flavour of that forbidden fruit, Aurora realized what she had done! She cheated on Max! That was only the accusation her betrayed heart screamed at her when she pushed herself away from Ace and ran towards her room. That night she cried ignoring Ace's calls and texts, she felt terrible with the thought of letting another man touch her when she was Max's girl.

She was so damn hurt and scared about how Max might react to her mistake, but to her surprise when she told him, he was cool about it, he calmed her by expressing his reasoning that she was Ace's girlfriend right now so it was good that they shared a skinship after all the more Ace will be deeply invested in that relationship, the more it will hurt him. Max wasn't mad as Aurora expected instead he looked beyond ecstatic.

To say Aurora wasn't disappointed would be lie, she actually hoped to see him mad and possessive about her but he wasn't. She hung up the call and finally texted back Ace telling him that she was fine and was a bit sick, he actually proposed to visit her but she denied his offer and told him to focus on his fight, which surprisingly he won.

Ace had this weird habit of asking her to wish him good luck for his fights after their relationship, when she questioned him about it he replied, "Whenever you wish me luck, I always win." She took it as joke and laughed it off telling him that he did lose when her father gave him a punishment but Ace's reply shocked her.

"No, I didn't. The opponent cheated, and when I filed for an investigation, the judges did find about his cheating and announced me as a winner just two days after the original match."

And that was true, she remembered how happy her father looked that day when he came back, he even claimed that they should treat Ace a great dinner that night which they did, Ace never ate with them only on certain events otherwise he stayed in the room near the basement, he ate whatever the servants used to get.

Aurora stared at her reflection for a longest time before her eyes fell on her phone when it pinged and a notification appeared over her phone, it was a message by Ace, he always left a small text informing her that it had reached his room and was going to sleep, just in case if she wanted to talk to him. She stared at the message for as long as she could unblinkingly when she finally made her mind.

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