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Author's Pov

Seated on the concrete floor with his legs crossed, the emotionless lad stared at the sleeping woman with his hawk eyes, they blinked rarely as he got lost while inspecting the damage he had done to her, his demons laughed at him for being so pathetic, his unmoving stone heart didn't do anything to halt the mocking voices in his head and his steely gaze flattered losing it's hardness for a few seconds but regain it soon enough when his insanity reminded him of the cruelty this woman had spread over the boy who once found his home in her.

Ace knew it wasn't why he brought her here, he knew he shouldn't be present here right now, precisely he shouldn't be present near her every night from the time he had held her as his captive. This was the only time in the day, he was able to watch her without having to look in those treacherously enchanting eyes of hers. Those bewitching ocean crystals were shaped so innocently that he knew it wasn't hard for her to fool him, once again.

Tilting his head slightly, his eyes narrowed watching her bandaged wrist, stomach and throat, her whole body was covered with white laced bandages to heal the bruises he granted her. Ace was truthful to his words, he still didn't let anyone even had a glimpse of her thrashed frame, he was the one who treated the injuries he granted her after she lost her consciousness.

After he joined the gang, he was given a thorough training which included the lesson of how to aid yourself, everyone in the gang knew that magic, they didn't need to study medicine to understand the simple theory of four things, how to get the bullet out of the body, how to treat the bruises, how to treat the dislocated parts of the body and lastly what ointment should be used for all the purposes. He never got severely injured in any of the fights or wars he had before, so he never had to use his skills before until two days ago.

Leaning his face closer to her sleeping ones, he took short and calm breaths to not let it disturb her, he must have looked undeniably pathetic for behaving for desperate, he knew he could watch her all night this way and he actually had done that quiet a times after she was forced to stay here. It had been 5 days she was brought her and got to have a proper meal once, he was punishing her the same way he got by her asshole father.

She was lucky she got a proper full meal after three days of agonising pain otherwise, the man sitting beside her worn out mattress had gone a week without a proper food. Alvin once punished Ace for losing an important finals when he was 16, he was locked in the basement with daily dose of torture followed by a mere loaf of bread and a glass of water as a day meal, he was provided the full meal after 7 days of continuous pain and agony.

He did the same with Aurora, he provided her a loaf of bread and a glass of water for three days, he was pathetic, he couldn't deny that, the in his head mocked him all day and night after he ordered to prepare a proper meal for her only after three days, he planned to return the favour her father once did on him but he couldn't. He knew she was too weak to handle that torture, so simply giving up on his demons, he let her have the pleasure to have the meal she didn't deserve, at least according to him.

He knew he shouldn't care about her peace after all she was the one who snatched it from him, but right now he needed to let her have the last chance to enjoy this peaceful slumber. Tomorrow was coming with different surprises and pain to hit her, he wasn't merciful and the torture he had decided for her would follow him as well, he knew the venom she forced him to swallow years ago was stuck, neither it was going down his throat nor was ready to leave him. It was just stuck with him like a bloodsucking leech, and he had vowed to give the taste of that poison to her as well.

His eyes flickered realising that he hadn't blinked from the time he leaned forward when the ting of notification echoed in the empty room, he heard a soft whimper from the frowning woman who seemed to be disturbed by the sound but soon enough she was able to surpass the trouble and let the sleep again engulf her.

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