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Author's Pov

Aurora stared at the paper in her hands as she read the written words repeatedly in astonishment, did he really free her from the prisoned room? The paper had all the chores he assigned her with, but along with that she was also told to stay in this new room and change her clothes. Aurora didn't expect this, the way he looked so vengeful and enraged whenever he looked at her it seemed impossible for him to actually be humane with her.

She sighed placing the paper securely on the side table before standing in front of the mirror attached to the small wardrobe which he provided her, it was filled with several clothes of her size and also some woman necessities. Her petite frame was engulfed in the white hued ankle length dress covering her arms completely, it even covered her collarbone leaving her confused of why would he give her such a modest dress when he had done nothing but to humiliate her from the time he took her in his captivity?

But she didn't complain, she was glad he didn't give her any revealing dresses, Aurora did use to wear short dresses when she was in high school, but only on occasions, she was a biggest fan of knee sized dresses and her wardrobe always stayed filled with different kind of such material until her father lost his whole fortune. She had sell most of her expensive dresses and kept on two or three of them.

Aurora got used to wear pant, shirt or mostly skirt, she liked her body being covered especially when there was nothing attractive left in her body, as per her words. The once proud woman who looked down the other woman's imperfections now had reduced to their level and realized how it felt to be in their shoes. The mocking, insults and bitching about her weight, flat chest, and extremely small waist felt like an acid to her ear initially but eventually she learned to ignore them.

She tied her thin hair in a messy small bun before tilting her head a bit, she hadn't stared at her reflection for years as she didn't want to face the woman who became the killer of her own heart but after seeing him alive she couldn't explain the relief and joy she felt in her heart. It almost bloomed again until she looked in those steely eyes once again.

Her eyes went towards her slightly bruised neck remembering what he had became. A monster, a ruthless vengeful beast, and she knew she was one of them who caused such an innocent boy to became the heartless man he was today. If only she could reverse the time, maybe things would have been so different, so much better, and maybe that innocent pure hearted man would have been still alive.

If only!

Her body jolted coming out of her trance when her clock started beeping with an alarming sound making her look at it, it was the indication for her to clean the kitchen and prepare his lunch, she stared at the big clock which was settled in this room after she opened her eyes. It rang each time she had to start her chores.

Aurora was confused for a few minutes when she realized he had given the duty to prepare his food as well, there were many questions in her mind, why would he ask her to prepare his food when he didn't trust her even a bit? When he thought she was just a traitorous woman who still was fooling him with her vulnerable act then why would he give her so many important work of his house? And there was only one answer that appeared in her mind.

To make her suffer, maybe he still thought she didn't know how to cook, to do house chores and this way she might get hurt in the process. It was indeed true Aurora didn't know much about cooking, but she did learn a bit in the following years when her father's business started falling, they had to fire the servants as her father couldn't manage their salaries and she had take care of the house chores that time too.

In all those years, these things were nothing to her but seemed like Ace still thought that she hadn't changed a bit, except for her appearance he still doubt anything in her to take a turn. She was still the same spoilt brat in his eyes, and could she blame him? Unfortunately she couldn't, except for herself she had no one to be blamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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