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Author's Pov

Aurora shrieked in pain and horror when Ace yanked her off the mattress forcing her to stand up. She cried out when his sudden force impacted her wrist and stomach, but the ruthless man paid no heed to her cries and simply dragged her out of the room for the first time after she was brought here. At this particular time Aurora actually wished to stay in that contracted room instead of going where he was dragging her to.

Soon enough they arrived at the end of the alley like lane where she noticed a vast metal gate, it was way bigger and stronger than the one her room had, her eyes roamed around in panic to find any living being as she was still in her bra, she didn't want anyone see her in such a way but nothing. There was no one, the whole space was empty and except them she heard not even a sound of wind passing.

She yelped out coming out of her trance when she was thrown carelessly on the concrete floor making her knees adorn a horrible scratch which instantly brought crimson fluid out of her flesh. She hissed closing her eyes not wanting to cry out as tears gather before her sight. She heard his thick boots stepping on the crispy stones making a horrifyingly threatening noise.

"Aurora!" She snapped her eyes open when she heard a familiar voice calling her in haste. She looked straight where the voice came from and found her father standing with the help of wooden stick.

Her heart thumped badly against her chest wanting to run towards her father but the moment she stood up on her wobbly feet, she couldn't get herself to walk towards her father after she noticed the noxious man already making his way towards that direction. She gulped cradling her bandaged wrist before looking at her father's condition, he was wearing shorts, there was a bandage wrapped around his left leg, not just that, his forehead, cheek, and left arm was also bruised and the fact that nothing was treated or bandaged except for his leg brought more tears to her eyes.

She freed the water from her eyes while watching her father with pained gaze, he looked beyond tortured, his condition was severe especially at the fact that he wasn't given any aid, he also seemed to look more aged than before. She only took one step ahead when Ace's stood near the door that was detaching them, one glare from him and she got freeze on the spot.

And then she noticed, there was huge glass wall which separated them, her eyes went towards the other side of the wall where her father was held captive and found the exact same erangements she had in her room. The same mattress, bathroom setup and the small table which had the water cooler which was never filled from very first day. It looked like an exact replica of her room.

She gulped when Ace placed his palm over the censor that followed his command and unlatched the door which was attached to the glass wall, the moment he stepped in, he closed the door and gave one look at Aurora who had started trembling in fear. She knew what he was capable of doing now, he obviously hated her, but the resentment he might had for her father would be ten folds more. Could she blame him for that? No, she knew that.

"Did you like your daughter's new costume?" His deep voice echoed in the vast room startling Aurora, she finally looked up and realized in what provocative clothes she was cladded in. Her uninjured hand subconsciously went on her upper body trying to hide her almost spilling out boobs, more tears escaped her eyes feeling extremely humiliated in front of her father.

"You're a fucking bastard!" Alvin sneered at Ace which did nothing to the young lad, instead he looked amused.

"You're one hard headed man, I have to admit you're strong, Uncle." Alvin winced in disgust hearing the word he spat in the end, he let Ace call him that when he adopted him but now, whenever Ace called him uncle it sounded more like a mock and sarcasm.

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