The first full day.

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I Wake up at 6am so I have enough time to get ready before going out with max to see the city. The first thing I do when I wake up was turn my phone alarm off and look at my notifications. I had hundreds of notifications from Instagram of fake news about my stay with max.

I get myself so caught up in my thoughts that I end up crying and sobbing quietly so max doesn't hear me. I don't want him to think I'm a baby and can't handle things like this when I can because I know that it's not the truth.

I decide to stop thinking about what other people think about my new guardian and my stay with him and get dressed ready for the day.
My feet touch the ground, it's nice and refreshing cold on my feet, yet still I slip my feet into my slippers because I don't want my feet to get too cold. I make my way to the bathroom have a shower, brush my teeth, do my skin care, hair and make-up. I Head over to my closet open it and search for some clothes to wear.

I'm still looking for an outfit when I go past one of Nathan's t-shirts that I packed. It is his st.trofish shirt and it smells like him still. I decided to bring his cologne incase I ever forgot his scent so I never will.
The T-shirt brought back many memories, I sob into it and decide that it's the best option to wear on my first day in Monaco, I pair the shirt with a bucket hat and some cargos with a bikini underneath because yesterday max said he would take me to the beach and I need to be prepared just incase he does.

I'm finally dressed and walk out of my room finally. Max was asking what took so long and I just stared at him. He decided to just leave the question and not ask again because he knew k wouldn't reply.
I reach for a bowl to top some cereal into when max stops me.

"We will get some breakfast on the way, hurry up and get your shoes on lil karter" inside I was dying, a nickname given to me, I was so happy. Maybe a little too happy. I ended up letting a little squeal out and max laughed at me.
We got into the car and max drove to a little cafe so I could get some breakfast. I ended up getting a red bull and a waffle with strawberries, max got a coffee.

We were finishing up breakfast, paying and leaving by the time we just managed to get into the car, paparazzi showed up and swarmed his car. I'm normally not good in big crowds unless I'm holding someone's finger, but in this case I was safe inside the car.

We managed to get out safely and ended up driving away to the next stop.

"We are hereeee" max said to me, I had no clue where we were or what was infront of me but decided to be polite about it.
"Max, what is this place, it looks so cool" I replied, that sounded nice. Right?
"We are getting you some new karting gear. You only have your helmet with you" he replies back
I'm on the verge of tears. This is the nicest thing someone has done for me in a while. My father would never buy me new gear he would make me race in the old ones or not at all.
"Thank you max.." I say with a whimper in my voice box
"Awww don't cry y/n. We will get you the best gear." he replies
Now I'm crying in the car and max waits for me to cheer up for us to go inside.

"Chose anything" he says
"Really?? Are you sure?" I say hesitating
"I have too much money, I don't know what to do with it. Get anything you want." he replies with no hesitation

I run around the shop with max following behind. I pick up everything I need for karting except a new helmet because I don't need that. Mines perfect.
We buy the stuff and head back to the car and put the bags in the back. I Wonder where we are going now

Max speeds off down the road and i get a flashback of the car crash and start hyperventilating causing max to slow down. He forgot about the crash

"I'm so sorry y/n" he says with sympathy
"No. No it's okay" I reply
Max goes as slow as possible to the next stop which is the beach and harbour.
He kept his promise. He took me to the beach.

I've not been to the beach in years, I love the waves and the sand, the way my body just instantly intended and I can smell the ocean. This is one of my favourite places to be. It reminds me of my mother. She loved the beach too.

After a long walk down the beach, max takes me to his boat so he can show it to me and get his jacket he left there the other week. It's fantastic and we spend 3 hours on there talking about the sea and how pretty it is. Max takes a photo of me to post on my Instagram.

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Liked by❤️: @maxverstappen and 153.7k more
Y/n.3 : first full day in Monaco, what's everyone doing today?
Comments💬:   @maxverstappen1: I spent the day with you, tell me what you think about Monaco..
@Landonorris: looking absolutely amazing on max's boat I see
@user1976529: I went to a party with my cousin
@user528291: your georgous❤️❤️
Max drives us home after a long day out, he said he has news for me to tell me tomorrow.

We get back and we both go straight to bed and fall asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. No more words for the night. No more anything for the night. Let's just dream and see what's going on in dream paradise tonight.

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