The kiss.

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I Wake up to Jad cuddling up to me in his sleep.
He's so cute when he's asleep, I'm so grateful that max let him come to the GP.
Charles has been texting me all night to make sure I'm alright.
I'm glad that at least one person on the grid likes me, I haven't fully met the others yet so I have no clue if they like me
I decided to try and spend the day in redbull and hope that Christian doesn't yell at me again.

We arrive at the paddock, it's calm right now.
Barely any press or paparazzi.
Max runs off for a meeting leaving me and Jad together, we decided to go wonder around the paddock and find something to do.

Today is qualifying and FP3 so everyone is busy making sure the care is perfect, everyone wants pole position and they will try their hardest to get it.

Me and Jad found the waffle stand and get our usual, Jad with chocolate and me with strawberry's.
I look over at Jad and think to myself,
He's always been here for me, the good and the bad even when we were supposed to be enemies on the track. He was still making sure I was alright.

A thought pops into my head, I love Jad, omg I'm in love with my best friend.
I can't tell him. What if it ruins us.
I tell him I'll be back in a minutes and before he can respond I'm gone.

I run to the Ferrari garage and try to find Charles.
"Where is he?" I ask a random guy
"Who?" He replies
"Charles. Charles Leclerc. Number 16" i say frantically
"Ohhh Charles he's in his drivers room getting ready why?" He replies
"Thank you" i say as I run off not wanting to tell him why.

I make it to his room and keep knocking on in a panic.
Charles opens his door and I just stand there.

"Little one? You okay?" Charles says
I don't reply..
"Y/n?" He says with a worried look on his face
"What's wrong? You look scared.." he carries on talking
"IM IN LOVE WITH JAD" I blurt out and quickly cover my mouth
"Awwww that's so cute" he replies
"No it isn't. He's my best friend I can't be in love with him" I reply sadly
"Why not?" He replies a bit confused
"Because it will ruin our friendship" i say on the verge of breaking down.
"Who knows you the best? Jad. Who's always there for you? Jad." Charles says still confused
"That doesn't mean I can love him!!" I say in a panic because I don't want to love him. I just can't help it.
"Well he loves you.." Charles blurts out
"How do you know that?" I say confused
"The way he looks at you. He smiles every time he sees you" he replies..
"Omg" I run off again. Back to Jad

I sit next to him and he speaks first
"Where did you go??"
"To see if Charles was doing okay." I didn't want to lie to him but I couldn't just say I love him.
"Okay. At least your back Now I was scared" he replies giving me butterflies

A few minutes of silence pass by and I'm sick of holding it in
"Jad.." I say
"Yes??" He replies back looking straight into my eyes.
"I love you.." I say quietly
A moment of silence again
"What did you just say?" He replies making it out like he didn't hear me
"I love you.." making myself a bit louder
"I knew you said that I just wanted to hear you say it again." He replies whilst holding my jaw in his hands.
We kiss. I feel sparks between us. His lips caressing mine
"So what are we now??" He says
"Whatever you want to be" I say without a care in the world.
"Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" He says
I just stare. Im shocked. How tf did Charles know?
"Y/n?" I snap back into reality
"I would love to" I reply back before kissing him again. I never want this kiss to stop but eventually it has to.

We spend the entire day together around the paddock and in the garage.
We both decided it's best to not act like a couple in public until I tell max Tonight.
I told Charles first though . I decided he should know first since he's the one who pushed and supported me to do it.
He agreed he won't say a word.

We get back to the hotel and decided to tell max at dinner.
Tonight we are having steak for dinner.
Max loves steak so he should be happy when we tell him.
We tell max and he was definitely not happy.

He stares at Jad the whole night and tells him that if he hurts me then he will be hurt.
Jad would never hurt me.
He couldn't, He hates hurting people.
We get back to the room and go straight to sleep. It's been a really long day. For all of us.
Max got P1 in qualifying by 2 millionths of a second.
Tomorrow is race day. Let's hope that he wins or he will be in a very very bad mood..

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