The plaque

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We get through the airport and get to the plane.
Hayden and his whole family are shocked once they get into the plane and realise it isn't a public plane.
They try to get off and say that they can't, it's too much and that max shouldn't have.
But max insists and they eventually realise that they will lose the argument eventually, he won't give up.
We take off and I fall asleep in the plane.
I wake up to turbulence and get terrified.
Max takes a video and sends it to Charles since he thinks it's funny and Charles is a right hypocrite because he laughed when he is terrified of turbulence as-well.

Eventually we land.
Max is wearing something so that people don't recognise him at the airport because security warned him that paparazzi knew he was coming so he also got me to disguise myself.
I just wore a summer dress and bucket hat with a jacket.
Nobody would ever know it was me because they don't think I would ever dress "girly".
We somehow manage to make it to the car before paparazzi realised it was us.
We quickly rushed into the car and drove off towards the hotel.

After a short 10 minute drive we arrived at the hotel and max finally let me sleep.
He wakes me up at 9am. That was only 2.5 hours.
I wake up in a really bad mood because I just want to sleep.
"You can sleep tonight, have an early night if you really want" max says as he draws the curtains open to reveal the sunlight to pierce through my eyelids.
"Don't have to tell me twice" I reply back, I'm definitely having an early night tonight.

Max got the penthouse of the hotel it has a room for everyone so we are all sharing and don't need to go to different floors for rooms.
I grab my phone to see my notifications and one catches my eye...
A new report.
Not if max being In London, but it's me being in London..
This is the first article that I have ever read in which it is being nice, it calls me pretty and gorgeous and soon enough there's a couple more people saying it, then a lot more.

I decide for our little stay in London I'll just wear dresses.
I might finally get used to them.
Max tells me to get ready for the day and leaves my room to go to his.
I put on a white dress that has a bit of a float skirt with a bow.
I put a little bit of makeup on and look at myself in the mirror.
I look pretty.
The prettiest I've ever looked.
I never want this feeling to stop.

Hayden knocks on my door and asks to come in so I let him and he just stands in the door way and looks at me.
"MAMA! COME LOOK AT Y/N!!" He shouts across the little hallway all of our rooms are connected by.
His mother comes running into my room and grabs my hand spinning me round and starts speaking French.
From what I understood she said I was looking so beautiful and that she loves what I did.
Then Hayden confirms that's what she said.
Just as his mother leaves Hayden comes over and wraps his arms around me pulling me into a really tight hug rocking us side to side.

Max comes in to see what his mother was shouting in joy about and sees my outfit.
"Y/n my darling. You look gorgeous" he says as he walks over to me and does the same as Hayden did but also planting a kiss in my hair.
I don't like how I normally dress, I only dress like that because I'm insecure about dressing like this. I wear baggy clothes to hide my shape. I wear dark colours and chains.
I love wearing dresses but I'm scared of people judging me. 
I might start wearing them more after seeing everyone's reactions.

We eventually end up leaving the hotel after max is finally done showing me off to everyone. It was so cute, he was so happy and I do t know why.
"So what do you want to see first?" I ask everyone.
"A RACE TRACK!" Hayden screams almost bursting everyone's ear drums away.
We decide we go to a race track first since Hayden was so adimant to see one.
We arrive at a track that I grew up with.
This was where mine and Nathan's first karting championship was.
I take them into reception before taking them on a little tour around it.
As we enter reception i see 2 karts in the corner.
It was mine and Nathan's.
Our last karts. I Never thought I would see them again. Nathan's was in perfect condition but mine was a bit squashed because of the crash...
I walk up to them and there is a plaque next to them explaining the story of the two siblings.

The pair were inseparable even on track if one goes the other went down with them. If one left the other left. If one won the other came second. They did everything together. Forever and always. The boy always said "you passed me with flying colours" when the girl raced by him. Everyone loved the duo and even though they were supposed to be enemies on the track. They never left each other behind. The two siblings, Y/n and Nathan Y/L/N. Forever and always together was there thing, max it be true even after death.
-the plaque.

Hayden walks over to me tearing up at the message I just read. He places his hand on my shoulder. And everyone is silent for a couple of minutes until it is broken by the receptionist.
"I have your registration here, welcome back miss y/l/n" she says
"Oh sorry it's actually Verstappen now" I reply back which makes max grow a big cheesy grin on his face.
"I'm sorry miss Verstappen, you may enter, you don't need a guide we trust you know where everything is" she speaks back handing us race suits and leaving.
I'm planning on teaching Hayden how to drive a go kart whilst we are here so we walk straight to the garages.
There's about 50 karts in there and we can use any we want. I find my favourite one and Hayden chooses a random one.
We teach him safety first and all the different flags and stuff that he needs to know first.

Eventually he knows enough to be able to go out of track in the kart I make sure to go easy on him and not zoom off too fast. He trails behind me learning how much pressure to put on the gas at a time.
He's doing really well and ends up getting a really quick and good time for his first time.
Just as I'm congratulating him someone goes past me almost hitting the back end of my kart.
I sit back in my kart and go after him.
The Kart eventually stops and I stop and get out marching after the person who just almost killed me.
"OI YOU TWAT WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT BACK THERE YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME" i scream at his face after taking my helmet off so he can hear me.
"Well you were in the way.." he replies back smirking
"Wipe that smug look off of your face before I wipe it off of you myself" I say back angrily.
"Sorry but do I know you, I recognise you.. OH GOD YOU'RE Y/N LIKE THE REAL Y/N" he starts acting like a teenage girl over me and starts blushing and apologising for almost hitting me, I end up leaving from embarrassment and going back to Hayden who was speaking to max and his mum about how fast he went.
"Well he's been taught his lesson" I say entering their conversation laughing
"What happened?" Max instantly shoots a scared look at my face like I just killed someone.
"I took my helmet off so he could hear me and he started acting like a teenage girl meeting someone they find hot like Tom holland or something" I say back laughing even more.
"We need to go. NOW" max says scared starting to walk away towards the car and eventually getting into the car.

"Why did we need to leave?" I say taking off the race suit in the car to reveal the dress underneath and Hayden doing the same revealing his T-shirt and joggers.
"You'll see in a minute" he says pointing out the window.
"Oh god. Paparazzi." I say looking out the window. Each second it's like 10 more show up.
"Exactly" max says as we drive away from the circuit.
"Can I Go back to bed now or are we going back out?" I ask everyone after arriving back in the room of the hotel until everything calms down outside.
"Your not going to bed yet, you have at least another 7 hours until you can go back to sleep.
I'm not having you tired for tomorrow, I'll let you lie in as well if you want.
But only if you go to sleep later.

"Fuck you" I whisper under my breath quietly
"Wanna repeat that kiddo?" max says after hearing it
"No thank you" I say back in a deep voice after almost going to sleep

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