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We leave max's apartment on Thursday morning to make sure he doesn't have jet lag for Fridays press and FP's.
We were going to be flying on a private plane. This was my first time ever on a private plane.

I just imagined it to be a normal plane with nobody on it except you but no. It was amazing, small but not too small and looked luxurious.
I held max's hand on take off and touch down.
He was rubbing his thumb over my hand to keep me calm.
He went over an old scab softly and looked at me with sorry eyes. He knew that this scab wasn't an accident.
I took my hand back in a split second and looked away.
Max grabbed me turned me around and just hugged me, he wouldn't let go of the hug.
He whispered into my ear "shhhh it's alright now, I'm here" which made me tear up and hug him back tighter.

I fell asleep on max's shoulder and he woke me up just before the plane landed.

We got off of the plane and I followed max right behind him.
I didn't want to lose him in this massive airport crowd so I ran up to him and we linked arms.
We got out of the airport, security had our bags and we got into the car waiting for us outside.
We had a short drive to the hotel and I ran to one of the beds and threw myself on it.

Max laughed at my action
"I guess you already claimed your bed" he says with a big grin on his face
"Yep" I reply

Max is unpacking the suit cases and getting ready to leave whilst I sit on my phone and talk to Jad, I haven't spoke to him in about 2 weeks. We were just speaking about karting when max came over and took my phone. Jad had no clue I was staying with him. I hadn't told him yet.

"Oooooo whos Jad???" max says
"One of my old friends from karting" I reply jumping up and down to reach max's hand with my phone in.
"Can I call him? I wanna say hi." max says out of them blue.
"NO DONT CALL HIM!! He doesn't know I'm staying with you yet" I reply shouting not wanting Jad to find out I was with him though himself

He calls Jad anyways.

He picks up.
"Hey y/nnnn" Jad says, expecting it to be me
"Ummm your not y/n. Where is she? Why did you have her phone??" Jad carries on
It takes him a hot second to realise he's on the phone with max verstappen. He was to focused trying to find where I am
"Awww lm your best friend??" I say
"Y/n  y/m/n  y/l/n. Tell me right now why your with max verstappen" he says, still not giving up on finding out
"Welllllll. You know how, my dad died in the crash instantly. And Nathan died the day I got released??" I say trying to explain it to him
"Max is now my guardian. Turns out he's known me since I was born... so yeah. Surprise???" finally finishing the short story on why I'm with max.

Jad is now shocked because I'm with max and staying with him.
He doesn't want to believe me.
Max puts us on mute whilst Jad is freaking out.

"Do you want to see Jad?" he asks me
"OMG? CAN YOU DO THAT?? IF YOU CAN THEN YEA YEA YEA!!" I reply. He takes us off of mute.
"Jad?" max speaks up
"Do you want to see y/n?" he blurts out
No reply.
"Jad??" he asks again..
"Sorry. Sorry. YES OF COURSE I DO!!!" he finally replies after still not being able to process I was with max verstappen
"Ok then, I'll sort something out... do you like the races?" he asks another question.
"Of course I do who wouldn't love the races" Jad replies
"Wanna come to Bahrain? You have to follow the same rules as y/n though.. I'll speak to Christian about it if you want??" max says.

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