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"Hey love" I hear as I wake up, I'm still half asleep and my eyes are shut so I am wondering who's calling me love. But then I remembered yesterday and how Mr Norris kept calling me love.

"Shut up Lando or I'll smack you around your mouth to shut it up myself" I say quietly in a sleepy voice
"Ooooo somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Lando says and immediately I open my eyes and stare right at him angrily so he knows I'm not lying.
"Mr Norris if you don't mind can you sincerely piss off o need my beauty sleep" I say with a sarcastic smile on my face closing my eyes again and rolling over
"Sure.." he says as he leaves the rooms slowly "but you don't need beauty sleep, your already perfect love" he says really quietly but loud enough for me to hear him as he walks out causing me to blush and just lay in bed thinking about it

Wait... does Lando have a crush on me too? No way, he can't, Lando is like perfect and I'm not. He could never have a crush on somebody like me
I say to myself in my head.

I decide to try and go back to sleep because it's Saturday with no race which means I get to sleep in later than when there is a race.
I close my eyes and it looks like I'm asleep but I'm not, I'm just trying to go back to sleep.
I hear somebody walk into the room but I can't be bothered seeing who it is so I just decide to lay there and try to sleep still.
I hear Landos voice muttering and can make out a few words
"Your so perfect, I think I like you, I think it may be love. I know you can't hear me but I needed to get it out" he slowly comes closer to me and kisses my forehead softly.

I decide to turn around and stare at him in utter shock. I can't get my words out, I want to tell him that I've liked him since I met him but I don't know how to get the words out.
He stares at me shocked
"Your not asleep, you heard that didn't you?"
He says. I just smile at him to let him know I did since I'm still there staring at him, I can't believe he just said all that, this has to be a prank but there's no way, he thought I was asleep, he wouldn't say that to me as a prank while I sleep.
I can't make my words out so I just grab his jaw softly and stare at his lips, his soft plump lips... oh god, how much I just want to kiss him right now, I've waited so long for this.
Before I can even lean into him to hint it I feel his lips hit mine and kiss me.

"Woah, what the heck just happened" I say as I stare blankly.
"I'm sorry, was that too much I've just wanted to do that since I met you. I think I love you, I've been thinking about this since I saw you back in England." He says
"No it's okay, I think I love you to, I definitely have a crush on you, I have since we met" I say back
"I had a feeling about that" he says with a little giggle.
"Oh just shut up" I say as I grab his face and kiss him again.
As our lips parted we both smiled at each other and went in for another which turned into quite a long kiss... okay it wasn't a kiss, it was more like a make out session.
After kissing we both just sit there and cuddle, I'm still quite tired so I fell asleep and rolled over apparently because I woke up facing the other way to what I was before I was asleep.

The only reason I woke up is because max came into the room, he didn't speak, he didn't even make a noise but he forgot to turn his phone on silent and I heard him take a picture which woke me up and also Lando up because he fell asleep too.

"FINALLY" max shouts causing Landos dad to run in wondering why max is shouting.
"WOOOO" Landos dad shouts as he sees us together.
"Woah woah woah hold ya horses you two, what do you mean finally and woo?" Lando says
"We knew you two liked each other that's why we planned this trip, I didn't want to see Monaco out of race season I just wanted you two to tell each other your feelings and so did max so we came up with this little plan." His dad replies

"Just no Funny Business.your both 16 now which means that sort of stuff isn't illegal, so no funny business kapeesh?" Max says in a stern voice making both of us turn red from embarrassment
"No funny business don't worry" we both say

"Oh yay. More people asking me questions now yippee" I say in a sarcastic voice
"Joking I'm definitely telling them everything I love them all like family" I say laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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