I should be in bed.

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Im finally allowed back at school.
I sort of missed being at school, probably because of Hayden. He was basically my only friend.
Hayden missed me being there too. I was definitely his only friend.

Our families were like one now.
They had dinners together all the time, we were planning holidays together and everything.
For the first holiday we decided we would be going to England for the spring half-term holiday, I would get to show everyone around my old town. 
I didn't really want to but they did and I didn't want to ruin it for them so I agreed.
They were all so excited to see my past.

We left on March 30th. That gave me about a month to prepare myself for this trip.
I was really hoping I didn't see anyone I knew whilst we were there.
Hayden was really excited because this would be his first plane ride.
I felt honoured to be with him on his first plane.
Hayden and the rest of his family went back home after dinner and me and max were left alone in the living room discussing plans to make it extra special.

"I think we should take my private jet and not tell them, make it a surprise for them" max suggests
"Sure why not, they would love that" I reply back with a bit of a tone
"What's wrong with you missy?" Max says sternly
"Nothing I'm just tired, night" I say as I walk up the stairs.

I didn't want max to know that I didn't want this trip. I would seem ungrateful and it would ruin it for everyone.
I decide to sleep it off.
Hoping that I would be better in the morning.
*the next day*
I arrive at school a bit late.
"Where've you been mate?" Hayden says a little frustrated.
"Sorry I woke up late" I reply back
"It's okay I can't wait for this trip. It's going to be AWSOME" he says with excitement jumping up and down.
"Of course it will" I say back with no emotion.
I get through the day with no problems. No fights. No arguments. Nothing. Nothing at all.

A couple of weeks pass by, each day after the other being the exact same as the one before.
We have 2 days until the trip and I've gotten over everything.
I've completely shut out my emotions, I just don't care anymore.
Nobody thinks it's weird they just think I've gotten better.

Yesterday was the last day of school before the break.
Today I had a small lie in and then packed my bags then went back to bed.
I fall back asleep after spending hours with max who was stressing out making sure I had everything.
I eventually get let back to bed and fall asleep again.
I wake up to a loud crash.
It's 7am.
Max is in my room with a cow bell.
He wants to make sure I don't have jet lag. It's only like a 2 hour flight...
We head over to Hayden's house and max brings the list.
We sit there all day and max makes sure they have packed everything.
He's like an almost 20 year old airport dad.

We eventually leave and bring their bags back with us. He tells them to wake up at 3am so we can get to the airport on time.
I finally get to go back to sleep.
As I slip into my comfy bed max says that I need to be up in 5 hours.
That's not funny.
Is he kidding?
I check the time, it's 10pm. He wasn't kidding I genuinely only get 5 hours sleep.
Does he want to be dead in the morning?
He should not be waking me up that early in the morning after 5 hours of sleep.

We will have to go through the airport and everything which will take about 2 hours. The flight is 2 hours and then London is an hour behind Monaco so we would be arriving there at like 6am.
Im going to kill max.
That is not an okay time to be awake In The holidays.

Max wakes me up in the morning.
We get ready and into the car with all of the bags and suitcases in the back.
Hayden and his family get in after we arrive at his house and max is at the door knocking on like a maniac.
This is the worst day of my life.
Why the fuck has this twat woke me up so early.
I love him but he deserves a punch nobody should be woken up at this time whilst there's no school.
I should be in bed right now.

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