The interview

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Jad stayed in my bed last night, after dinner our heads hit the pillow and we were instantly asleep.
Since we had to be at the track early we woke up at 6am and had an hour to get ready.
We got dressed and headed down to the cars

Jad still had the smile on his face, he couldn't believe his dream of going to a race with max was coming true.
Max had Fp1 and 2 today, it went pretty well from what we saw because we didn't really pay attention we were too busy trying to get out of the garage to get waffles.

We were creating our master plan to escape when Gianpiero came over and heard us.
We knew nobody would let us out of the garage because we had already asked.
Max's FP1 was ending, so we could just ask him to take us but he probably has to go to media.
We decide to ask max and he said yes but we have to go to media with him so that he knows we are safe.
We agreed to go to Media, I was in the middle of the 2 boys max on my right side and Jad on my left.

They both knew how scared I was of crowds so they both held my hand.
Max had to let go so he could do an interview with sky but instead they interviewed me.
They asked so many questions like
What is yours and maxs relationship?
Who is this boy your holding hands with?
Why are you staying with max?
I refused to answer any of them. I knew things would be worse if I answered them.

Max decided that he would do the Interview later.
He knew Christian would be a bit mad but he didn't care because he just wanted to get me and Jad out of there.
Max got us waffles I got strawberry and Jad got chocolate. We are then before we even got back to the garage.
We arrived back at the garage and Christian started shouting at max because he ran away from the interview.
Max tried to explain how they kept questioning me and he didn't want that but then Christian turned to me and started shouting at me because I made the team look bad.
I don't know how I made the team look bad but I do know that at that moment he reminded me of my father.

I ran away crying because I felt like I failed another person, I felt like they were all mad at me again. They tried to go after me but Jad knows me best. Jad told them to let me run off, I will be better in a minute.

When I started to slow down, I wasn't looking where I was going. I bumped I to someone.
Someone in red, I couldn't see them fully but I know it was Charles by his voice.
He started to ask me what was wrong and k couldn't tell him because I couldn't breathe so he took me into a quiet corner and hugged me.
He could tell I needed a hug.

Charles spoke up again
"Y/n please tell me what's wrong I don't like seeing you like this" I could hear the care in his voice, he sounded warm, soft and like a pillow.
"Christian yelled at me for running away from an interview and making redbull look bad" I said in between my breaths.
"Oh darling don't listen to him, he's just sad because max ran away too. It's not your fault. You didn't make anyone look bad" he says cradling me in his arms.
"But I failed him, I deserved to be yelled at" I said finally calming down.
"What do you mean you deserve to be yelled at?" he replies concerned
"My dad always yelled when I failed him, if I didn't come first, if I got the wrong thing from the shops, if I ran away..." I reply back on the verge of tears again thinking about how my father was mad at me the dad he died.
"Your father was incapable of human emotion then" he replies "your 14, atleast your trying, and if your trying you don't fail, your doing the best you can"

I burst out crying again.
"Spend the rest of the day here with me if you like, I'll tell max your safe" Charles says
"Yes please" i say hugging him again.

I spend the rest of the day in the Ferrari garage and with Charles when he's not in the car or doing interviews.
They Ferrari garage is so supporting and they don't yell. The only yelling I hear is when it's too noisy and they yell across the room to get a tire and things like that.
Charles engineer lets me put a headset of and sit on the wall with him so I can't get hurt. He lets me speak to charles for the rest of FP2.

"Radio check. Radio Check" I say into the mic as a surprise to let Charles know I'm his engineer for the day
"Y/N????" he laughs into the mic
"Hello Charles glad you can hear me, I hear you loud and clear, I am your engineer for the day" I say back
His engineer tells me what to say into the mic and when to say it.
It went well for everyone.
And now it's near the end of the day.
I go back across the pit to get to the red bull garage after saying my goodbyes to the Ferrari team.

Max and Jad are happy I'm back,
Max was scared of me never coming backs and Jad knew I'd come back he was just bored and had nobody to talk to.
We went back to the hotel and did the same night routine, dinner,bed, sleep.

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