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It's Monday morning now.
I've just woken up to find out my life the past month was a dream.
How stupid do I have to be to actually believe it was real??
Just as I'm thinking of this Jad walks in with Max and Charles. What??
"Jad why are you with them?" I ask him confused still thinking it was a dream
"We'll long story short I left you in your bed asleep to get you some apple juice for when you woke up and these two were on there way in and saw me hitting the bending machine and joined in..." Jad replies
"Shouldn't they be training for the upcoming season??" I ask him...
"Y/n the season already started... are you feeling okay??" Max says with tears trying to break his water line.
"No, I don't know what to believe anymore." I say back in  frustration
"You have been living me for the past month, Charles is basically your big best friend and Jad is your boyfriend.." max says thinking I've lost my memory
"it wasn't a dream then??" I reply back after a moment of thinking
"No it wasn't a dream. Did you think it was a dream? I thought you lost your memory for a second then... you scared me" Max says slightly relieved.

We chat for a little while everything seems okay and the doctors come in and make max sign something and then they discharge me finally.
I am finally allowed to stand up,
I am finally allowed to roam freely,
Atleast that's what I thought.
Nobody would let me out of their sight I had atleast one person following me at every second of the day..
But it didn't really bother me, I got used to it eventually.


The next race was on my birthday.
The Chinese GP.
I had to spend my birthday at a race.
Jad decided to go home and max decided to fly straight to china so that we aren't tired for the race.
Max wanted me to experience their culture too.
He wasn't happy that I thought china was like china town but a massive country of it...
He took me everywhere and showed me everything.
On Saturday Charles joined us and I thought he would save me from max but nope.
Max told him what I thought the other day and now Charles was here to bully me too.
Charles brought someone along with him.
Daniel Riccardo.
This is my first time meeting him and I really hope it goes well. He seems like a really loveable person.
He's like a big teddy bear I just want to pick him up and squeeze him. He is one of the sweetest and funniest people I've met so far.
We spend the entire day with him.
Daniel was on my side of the argument. He also thought of china like a massive china town.
My legs started to get tired so Max got me on his shoulders and carried me everywhere.
I ended up falling asleep on his shoulders. Charles got me down and passed me over to max who ended up carrying me back to the car where Charles and Daniel got in the front and drove back to the hotel.

Max lays me down onto the bed, takes my shoes off and puts the blankets over me. He goes and sits on the other side of the room and scroll through his phone for a bit.
He sees that people are still asking questions about why I went to hospital.
He decides that I should avoid being outside during the race and either stay in red bull garage or Ferrari garage with their teams.
I decide to go with Ferrari because they let me be in Charles ears during the race.
Red bull would never let me do that.


A couple hours later I wake up and max tells me the plan.
I wear some cargos and T-shirt with a jumper.
Luckily the scars have faded a bit so hopefully nobody sees them.
It's my birthday today. But I'm not really excited. It's not like my old birthdays.
There's no Nathan. No Jad. No mum. No dad.
They were always at my birthdays.
They never missed one.
I sit on the Ferrari wall with their engineers shouting Charles over. They had a plan.
It was an amazing plan.
He came first.
"P1 CHARLES, P FUCKING 1" I scream into the mic.
Max on the other hand.
He came 3rd. He would be very upset because he didn't win. But at least he got a podium...
He feels like he failed to win for me on my birthday.
I didn't care if he won or not.
He cheered up a bit after coming to see me.

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