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A couple weeks after max breaking the rules and eating fast food chicken he had a break from the Grand Prix and racing for the winter.
Me and that Lando guy have been in contact and apparently he's coming here for a couple days because his dad wants to see what it's like In Monaco when the race isn't on.
I told max about it and max said that they can stay here instead of getting a hotel if they want.
I told Lando about it and he said yes, so that means the boy who I have a massive crush on is staying in my house...

I think that max has caught onto the fact I have a tiny crush on Lando.
Let me rephrase that.
He has definitely caught on that I have a massive crush on the gorgeous and kind boy who just happens to be a racer too.

Lando and his dad fly over to the airport from England and me and max meet them there with a sign so they know it's us and we are waiting for them.
Max has his car parked in a secret little spot behind the airport to avoid paparazzi because he doesn't want to shock Lando.
Lando and his dad should be staying at max'a for a couple days if everything goes well.
Since it's quite late when they arrive we eat dinner and go straight to bed.

The next morning I am woken up by Lando laughing because he's trying to get into my phone but ended up getting it locked for 30 minutes after getting the password wrong to many times.

"LAN WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" I scream as I chase him as he has his arms in the air with my phone refusing to give it back to me.
"Awww that's so cute love" he says
"What the fuck do you mean love?" I reply back in shock only just realising what I just said.
"Well I think I know your password now, also I meant to say love as a joke so shut up and stop blushing love" he says back to me chuckling because I think he's caught on that I like him too.

"HEY NO FLIRTING WITH Y/N LANDO!!" we hear max scream from a couple rooms across.
"Oh shut up max" I whisper under my breath in hopes he doesn't use his amazing hearing to listen to what I said.
"Shut up or I won't bring you to any more races and I'll stop everyone from seeing you" he says calmly "next time whisper better. I heard you" max says walking through the rooms getting closer  and closer every second.

"Get ready to run lan" I say to him just before I shoot off as max arrives in the room me and Lando stopped in to talk to eachother for a bit.

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