Ready. Set. GO!!

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Someone comes over and waves the green flag, we don't do a qualifying or anything like that, we just all sit the karts next to each other and race. I have a bit of a "rough" start but that's only because max told me to go easy on them so I decided to let them both get ahead a little bit.

Hayden is surprisingly in the lead but slowly falling behind the guy, I really need to find out his name.
The boy is actually quite good, obviously not good enough though as I zoom past them waving and pretending to yawn.
Its onto the last lap i decide to slow down a little bit and let the boys get a little closer to me, I let them get in front of me and we start racing fun again.
Hayden somehow managed to get back into first by blocking the inside corner away from the boy.
That was soon over as he took his place back though, I decide I'm not going to try and win, I'm going to let Hayden get in second, I'm not going to overtake him.
That's when Hayden decided to break as hard as he could making me crash into him just before the finish line.
I crashed into the back of him and his kart only moved a little bit whilst mine flipped over his as I tried to move out of the way of crashing into him.
Everything goes blurry and I'm in and out of conscientious i can hear voices a bit, they are blurry but they are there.
I see 2 blurry figures stood above me what looked like, a blonde teenage boy and a tall brown haired man being max.
An ambulance was called and they took me to hospital.
I collapse on the way there and they give me an oxygen tank, I wake up soon after in a hospital bed with max sag next to me.
Nothing was wrong with me I just had a couple of cuts and scrapes but one deep one that needed stitches on my arm.
Hayden was nowhere in my sight.

"Where's Hayden, is he okay???" I say to max panicking.
"I assume he's fine, his kart only moved a couple of feet away, he ran off when you flipped and his family ran after him. Nobody has contacted me and I haven't seen him since"
He replies back.
"Fucking cunt." I shout out loud
"Quiet down, I think the whole hospital just heard you" max says with a twitch in his voice like he's panicked.

Just then, the boy walks in laughing
"Calm down y/n, I could hear you from down the corridor." He says
"Oh. Hi.." I say to him blushing.

He came to the hospital with me.
"What's your name by the way, I don't think I ever asked" I say trying to shake off the redness from my face.
"My name is Lando, Lando Norris. Pleased to meet you again" he says chuckling a little bit.
"Hi mr Norris" I say again laughing with him
"Glad to see your doing okay, I was really worried when I saw what happened." he says a bit sympathetic, like he actually cares about me, I've never had someone my age say they were worried about me.
I think I might have found a friend.

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