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Felix woke up and saw Hyunjin looking at him fondly "Good morning~" he said in his deep raspy voice making Hyunjin flinch "what the fuck? How is your voice that deep?" He laughed and greet back after... "Why are you starting at me and since when you are staring at me?" He asked rubbing his eyes, lightly. "You are looking pretty, that's why" "flirt!" He smack his chest and sit lightly just to fall back down in shock.

"Damn!" He let out a groan after hitting his head on the bed's side and hear a little laugh which was not his nor it was Hyunjin's.






Hyunjin look at the side from where the giggle came and found Minho sitting there with his phone in his hand, looking at both of them who look back at him in shock.

"When did you came!?" Felix asked getting shy, realizing his brother saw him and his best friend being touchy and kinda lovey dovey.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Asked Hyunjin, putting his hand on his chest dramatically.

"Bish! That's my house. What the fuck would I do here?" He asked back and throw tantrum at Hyunjin.

"I thought it was your first day spending together but you guys are on the same bed at your first day of meeting?" Minho asked looking at Lix and Hyunjin, both, one by one... Making the omega, his brother, shy and he ran like a leopard from there to bathroom for his morning routine.

"So what?" Hyunjin answered questioning looking everywhere but Minho.

"Don't tell me you guys-" "we did not" Hyunjin cut him off and answered his incomplete question and earn a relief of sigh from the older alpha.

Minho came forward and sit side by side Hyunjin. "Since when you are here?" He asked digesting everything which had happened. "About an hour" he answered normally.

"An hour?!" Hyunjin freaked out "you are here from an hour?" "Yes, and I saw each and everything and also listened each and everything carefully" he said teasing his best friend..

"Tell me, you are lying! You didn't, right?" Hyunjin asked blushing a little..

"I did. BeaUtiFuL~ PrEttY~ youR FreCkleS aRe aLso PreTty jUst liKe yOu~ thOusaNd tiMeS BeauTifUl thaN sTars shIninG in thE sKy~" Minho hold his hair's one strands and tug them behind his ear while imitating him making him shy and throw himself on the bed, hiding his face in between pillows and Minho laughed.


A little flashback~

Hyunjin woke up from the rays of sun hitting his handsome face, making him glowing in the early morning. The alpha saw how the pretty little Omega is sleeping in front of him peacefully.

He ruffles the omega's fluffy blonde hair and tug them behind his ears and look at him fondly.

"So beautiful and pretty, I don't know why and how I am feeling attached with you. Those freckles *while tracing his fingers on his freckles lightly* are so pretty just like you, thousand times beautiful than the stars shining in the sky.. so pretty as these freckles have its own galaxy" he examined his shining freckles and with his tracing on his face, Felix start waking up lightly and he pulls his hand back.


"Byee" after breakfast Hyunjin has to go and Felix was bidding him bye in a low tone as if he doesn't want Hyunjin to go.

"Smile?" He asked the younger when he wasn't smiling and in answer, he shook his head.

"Why?" "Just" and that's when Minho came with his car keys...

"Here, take them and don't forget them again, idiot" Minho scolded and give him his car keys.

"I won't" he said and look at Lix who was still sad, he smiled looking at the younger who didn't bulge and he went in his car still didn't forget to look at the younger before driving.


"Lix, come on. Finish your breakfast, first" Minho said calling his brother who was going to his room without finishing his breakfast.

"I don't want to" he said and continues the walk until Minho came in between him and his way upstairs. "You will have to" he said sternly.

"I won't" he denied. "Okay, fine. If you are not eating then I'll also not going to eat" he said giving him his way upstairs and let him go..

"What happen? Go" he said when Felix didn't go but stayed at the same position. "If I'll eat.. you will eat too?" "Yes" He sighed and went to eat for the sake of his brother.

"I am full" he exclaimed after eating just two more bites. "I told you to finish it" Minho look at him deadly but Lix knows this doesn't mean much, his brother won't do anything.

"Tell me one thing" "hmm"
"What will you do when he has to go for work and you have pups to handle-" Felix coughed at the sudden words and the whole bite stuck in his throat.

He blushed and said "shut up! What are you saying?!" ..

"I am asking it for real!... What will you do then? Will you stop him from going to work and act bratty if he has to go for something important or you'll let him?"


"Good. That's what I thought, now stop acting bratty and eat" he said and made him eat more too but he can't hide his blush from the thought of them together, after marriage and having pups...

"I know I changed your mood and you are happy right now but that does not mean you should think of future" Minho said chuckling

"What a way to ruin the mood again" he murmured and Minho laughed at the grumpy omega.


Not proofread!

~Lots of Love❤️💙🤍~

D̶i̶r̶t̶y̶ C̶h̶a̶t̶s̶ (HYUNLIX)Where stories live. Discover now