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Sorryyy~ it's too much late as compared to what I said.. (here I am talking to that one person.... 😔)


Hyunjin's Pov~

Since Felix agree to come over to my house so I called Minho and told him that we are not coming back instead we are going to my house but this idiot denied!

Ugh! Whyyyy???

"Why, Hyung?" Lix asked once he heard Minho's not so pleased words...

"Hyunjin.. come home first!" He said and I sighed knowing well that this shithead won't let me take his little brother at my house since he is very protective for him as he is an omega.

A beautiful omega.

A beautiful omega that any Alpha can ever want to have but fortunately they can't..

He is mine! Mine! And MINE!

We are walking back to Lee brothers' house and the whole time Lix has a cute pout...

"Yah! Lix, go inside for a minute" Minho, once he saw us coming back, told Lix to go inside and I frowned at his demand. This boy was waiting for us while standing on his house's door..

And he, Lix, look at me and I nod my head coz I wanna listen my best friends shitty talk.. let's see what tea he has to told me..

Once Lix went in Minho whispered to me.. "what are you planning on doing?"

"I am not planning anything" I whispered back.. yet I don't know why I whispered when I can say normally..

"Then why are you taking him your home?" He asked raising his brow.. "coz he wanna spend a day together with me and same goes for me too"

"It's not like I am denying it but I am"


"I mean your rut is coming in a day and his heat is not far away so when I told you I'll help you out with him.. I didn't mean to say I will set him up with a fuckin one night stand so No.. I am not allowing it happening today" he said casually making Hyunjin's mouth agape with a long sigh of depression.

"Really? Do you really think I'll let my Alpha took over me and pound on him?" I said... I don't wanna say what I said but I can't control my language with Min... I mean.. he talk dirtier than me..

"Hey! He is my brother!"

"As if I don't know"

"Fine! It's okay for me but I dare you to make your brother understand it" I dared him and he sighed knowing well he can't..

"Ugh! Fine! Take him home and not to bed"
He said giving up and I laugh at his statement... Shrugging my shoulders.

(Look, don't come after me... because it's Minho who denied Hyunjin to do devil's tango with his brother.... It's not my fault~)

We went in and look at Felix who was sulking sitting on a couch..

"Stop your sulking ass-" He said but cut himself off when I hit his back and he look at me and change his sentence "stop sulking and go with him but you have to come back before night"

"Really?" Felix asked excitedly and jump like a kangaroo from the couch.

He nodded and hold my hand, dragging me out with him... Too much excited.

"Jinniee, thank you so much"

"For what?"

"For coming in my life" he said smiling ear to ear and I can't help but smile at his sweet talks.

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