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Felix's pov~


Open the door!
I am outside!

Ohhh, he came? HE CAME?! The heck?

I fucked up real bad...

Should I open the door?

I mean, I don't know what I just get myself into.. but I don't want him to stay out all the time.... Should I or should I not?

And when my brain is telling me not to open it... I listened to my heart which is yelling 'just go and let him come in' and I went to do so.

I am not scared, okayyy? I am just kinda nervous.. and a little bit excited– no, not little bit but too much excited to see him and tease him more~ haha!

As I opened the door, I didn't realize when he came in, closed the door, pinned me to it, holds my jaw and made me look into his pierci- ohh, fuck! He looks hot... I mean, he made me look into his piercing eyes and whispered..

"You don't know how the heck I am controlling myself" Fuck! His deep voice.. I feel shivers down my spine as he pulled me close to his own body, wrapped his hand around my waist while still holding my jaw with his firm grip so I couldn't move my face or look down instead of his cat-ish eyes.

"Words, baby" he teased and start leaning closer to my face while looking into my eyes and a rush of excitement flow in my body.. Is he going to kiss me??  Ohh, I wasn't ready... But now, I am... I wanna feel his lips on me.

"Do you even know how much you make me go crazy?" He again said in his light yet deep voice and I swear I feel my knees go all fumble and weak for a second. I managed to keep my posture.. so what if I am an omega? I am not scared of anyone and the person holding me isn't scaring me instead I feel crazy whenever he touch my body.. I feel I'm on cloud nine when all he did is hold me and whispers things in my ear... But this time his lips are right in front of me, urging me to feel how it tastes.

"And the pics you send didn't help a bit instead it made me devour you with all my heart, buttercup" How the fuck he is good at everything he say?! How can he manage to say all these?!

He leaned towards me more and more until I feel his hot breathe hitting me. If it is not for the sake of my sanity I surely had kissed him till now.

"I need words-" I cut him off and my heart was about to explode because of the stunt I just pulled.. I join our lips and I can tell his eyes pop out of his sockets until he realized and move his lips on mine. It was just a sweet peck until he caught my lips and bite on my lower lips making my moan lightly.. I swear I feel him smirking in the kiss when I moaned. Freak! The effect he has on me is insane.

And thank goodness that he leave eating my lips and pulled back.. he leave me all blushing mess, I just couldn't meet our eyes... He is looking so damn hot and I can tell him stripping me with his hot and deep gaze on me.

It was just a sweet kiss with him little biting on my lower lip but no tongues involved yet he feels so sweet and hot. I swear I would die peacefully now since I taste a little piece of him.

I don't know from where I got courage and said "I believe in actions instead of words, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin" I said boldly... Yet I don't know how did I just get bold out of sudden.

It's his effect, I guess.. and I love it!

He look at me surprised then smile evilly before trying to catch my lips in his own yet I didn't let him succeed. "It's a rare chance, Mister" I said and put my hand on his chest tracing my fingers here and feeling his hot body.. he caught my hands and pinned them above my head before whispering... "Acting hard to get, huh? Then act all the way you want, you'll come to me in the end, bub" the confidence in his voice made me feel things... I swear he is not lying.. doesn't matter how much I act, my soul, my heart, my mind, every inch of my body craves for him and only him.

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