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Author's pov~

Felix, once get up from bed in the morning, feels too much hot and moody and then he realized his pre-heat hits him, his heat is not far. He called Minho and went to shower just to cool down a bit before telling him to give him all his cozy blankets and pillows, all the soft and cozy clothes, his plushies and everything he always used to make his nest.

Minho arranged everything and went out of the room as soon as possible. Doesn't matter if he is Felix's brother, he always try to stay far when Felix is in his heat or when Minho is in his rut.. he spend his time at Chan's house and let Felix's besties took a hold of his house. Being a pure Alpha he can control himself but it always hard to do so.

Once Felix came back after showering.. he look around the room and throw himself on the cozy blankets and pillows and thanked Minho on text. Once he found the comfort, he makes his nest and lay down for a while and suddenly his mind diverts towards Hyunjin.. he started to shrug Hyunjin's thoughts since he started feeling hotter and hotter after every thought.

Hyunjin's Pov~

Yesterday was a busy day after spending time with my cute little buttercup.. I came back home at 2 in the night and after almost the whole day at shooting I was exhausted so I slept without talking to Lix since it's 2 and I assumed he must be asleep.

Today, when I woke up I went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast when I saw Felix's necklace on the table. I picked it up and slide it inside my pocket and decided to give it back to him after my breakfast on my way to shoot. Yeah! SHOOT! Since I started my career as a model.. I don't get enough time to spend around instead all my time went on shooting and I hate it sometimes.

After breakfast and getting ready, I went to Minho's and since I have a duplicate key of his house, I don't need to knock and I went in. There I saw Minho in the lounge talking on phone...

"Yeah, yeah, I am coming.. just in an hour"
"Yup. Those three musketeers are on their way.. I talked to them and when they'll arrive I'll leave"

I hear him saying. I walk up to him confused, Is he going somewhere and didn't tell me?.. I am his best friend for God's Sake! I mean, three musketeers can be Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin but where is he going without telling me anything?

I tap on his shoulder and he look back, horrified. What did I do? I just tapped him on his shoulders... I am not wearing some criminal outfits or something, I swear. He immediately say 'bye, Hyung. I'll meet you in an hour'.. so? It means, Chan and Changbin Hyung are also going somewhere! And it just leaves me? Why?

"What are you doing here?" He asked- yelled.

Like what did I do?

"Am I not supposed to be here?" I asked a bit sadly.

"Exactly!" He exclaimed and I feel hurt.

"So you guys really are going somewhere and doesn't want to tell me about your plans.. I see"

"What the fuck? What plans? And I am only going to Chan Hyung's hous-" "What's this smell?" I cut him off with my question as I smell some vanilla cupcakes with a mixture of Lavender scent.. it feels like someone is releasing pheromones. Wait- it's Felix's! I remember he smells like that!

"You shouldn't be here" I hear Minho say, panicking. I panicked too when I realize he is in his heat. I can control myself with any scent but this fruity and fresh floral smell makes my mind go dizzy and since I know we are mates... My Alpha reacts before I can control myself.. I growled unknowingly..

"Minho.. wh-y didn't you tell m-me earlier?" I asked stuttering coz my mind is getting dizzy and out of control, I ran out of the house without wasting a second. Minho ran after me too.

Once I tried to calm down.. I look at Minho who is controlling himself too.. Since he is a pure Alpha and a strong scent released during the heats cause the Alphas to smell it and chase after the Omega. I realized when he is saying he is going to Change Hyung's house..

"That's why you are going to Hyung's? But you can stay there and look after him though" I was confuse that why there is a need to go? I mean he can live here but not close to where Lix is..

"I know I can.. but I can't. Felix feels too much mild crampings and discomfort.. he always change his nest from his bed to every corner of the house.. even once he made his nest in the middle of the lounge.. I can't help myself.. I had to go" he explained.

"Ohh" that's all I could utter. His sweet alluring scent is not leaving my mind. I want to see him yet I know I shouldn't since I can lose control and do something which Felix will regret later.. so.. a big no! I mean, I won't regret.. even if something happen I will manage it with him but I don't want Lix to feel discomfort so I won't go near him till his heats end.

Moreover, my rut is near.. I don't want to get insane with his alluring scent and hit my rut then do something which can fuck things up.

Thankfully, those three musketeers, I mean, Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin came and Minho told Seungmin to gave him his bag which he did and also told them to not let Felix know that I was here... and now.. I am driving Minho at Chan Hyung's house.

"That's mean.. curfew till his heat ends" I sighed looking at Minho while driving.

"Unfortunately, yeah... But what about your rut? It's near" he questioningly answer.

"Yup! I will curfew myself in my house as usual" I said taking turn to Hyung's street.

"I am afraid" he mumbled and I stopped the car when I hear him..

"What? Why?"

"Now that you both know.. you are each other's mate and in heat.. what if he'll crave you? Or in your rut what if you crave him?"

"Min, he is my mate.. I won't do anything which will make him uncomfortable"

"I know..... but you never saw Felix in heat.. he gets tooooo much moody, he mild cramps a lot even after taking suppressants... Being a pure Alpha I couldn't even go near him when I know my brother is in pain.. I can't even held him, took care of him, cuddle him till he sleep... He release pheromones too much.. sometimes those three also need to came to backyard to get fresh air.. now, tell me if the omegas can't bear his pheromones too much than how can alphas or betas will?"

I heard him, he was sad. All he wants to take care of his brother but he can't. It's sad.

I just nodded my head with his words and then what he said after shocked me..

"Since our parents died, I always make sure he is safe.. but in his heat, I can't take care of him.. I was really excited when I got to know he found his mate and I got even more excited when he told me it's you... Now, all I want is you to take care of him... I want you to mate him.. mark him"


Not proofread!

I am sorry that I'm not getting any time to write chapters... Sorry~ these days I am too much busy with studies and teaching .. so please you have to bear with the short chapters and late updates🥺🥺


Since it's Sunday tomorrow.. I'll try to update another chapter...✨⭐❤️

~Lots of Love❤️💙🤍🖤~

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