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Hyunjin's pov~

Felix and I, we both enjoy our time together happily and it's time to go back home when Felix pouted "can't we stay more?"

"We can but it's not safe for a beautiful omega like you to stay out at night, baby" I said holding his hands, making him lightly blush.

"It's not night it's just 6:30 pm" he pouted more, his lips curled into a cute pout making him smaller than he already is.


"Still, Lixiee. Moreover, Minho will worry about you" I said trying to understand him and I am freakin sure if we go home back late at night, Minho will literally gonna fed me tissues. Tsk.

"But then you will start ignoring me again and act like I am a stranger" he said as tears start brimming his eyes. I feel bad for what I did and now seeing Felix tearing, my heart is aching.

But that time I was jealous that's why I was not in my right mindset and being a pure alpha I am, I can't stand seeing what's mine with others... Yes, my alpha nature already claim Lix its....and that's why I ignored him coz alphas can be cruel and over possessive over little things and I didn't want to scare him.

"No. I won't. Really.. stop crying, bub" I reassured him and he cutely reached for my hand, intertwining our pinky fingers and mumbled.. "promise?" I smiled and reassured him "promise" and then I realized that what I hear about omegas is true 'they really are kind-hearted and pure, soft and sensitive and my baby is too much sensitive and pure.

He buried his face in my chest to hide his tears from me and wrapped his hands around me tightly as if I'll leave him here. I caressed his hair coz I know how much it gives him soothing feeling and make him comfortable. As he stop crying I peck his forehead at which he blushed and then hold his hand then leads him to home.

We reached home and Minho open the door and all the boys were busy watching movies and eating snacks.

"You both are late" Minho said faking his anger.

"Am I supposed to say sorry?" I teased and holds Lixie by his waist and Minho raised his brow and I can see him smirking lightly.

"Whatever" he said and look at my hand on Lix's waist then look at Lix and then walks off while smiling...   Gosh! Sometimes this guy is just unbelievable.

What did I do to get a best friend like him?

I lead Felix towards the boys and then I realized I messed real bad...

coz they start clinging on each other! Especially Han, Changbin Hyung and Chan Hyung.

And my Alpha isn't liking a bit of it.

I didn't realized when did I growled and now, they all are looking at me confusingly and raising their brows. I scratched my head and divert my gaze just to meet Minho's who is smirking looking at me. Damn!

I didn't pay attention to them and act like nothing happened.... But ngl, the awkward silence is very loud for me.... And they all went to what they were doing...


I look at Felix who was laughing with others and anger hovers over me not because he was laughing with them but because of Changbin Hyung's hand on his thigh and Chan Hyung's playing with his ear and caressing his neck....

I mean he likes skinship but I am not having it...



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