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Smut!! 😉 Read at your own risk!

Not proofread!!


Hyunjin's Pov~


Coming over

Wait-!! What did I just- ohhh... Calm down, Hyunjin, calm down.. I- uhh-!

I didn't even read Felix's text after telling him I am coming.. I don't dare to..

If I say I want him, I'm not lying...
If I say I don't wanna fuck things up with both of the brothers even Minho told me it's okay if we both want it, I am not lying...
If I say I am excited yet scared, I am not lying...

I immediately went to change my clothes and felt my body is getting warmer and warmer with the thought of being with my Omega.

I went to pick up my phone, keys and wallet (🐿️your accent is sexy, iykyk) and went out of the house... Now, even if I want to control myself... I know I can't.... Or I won't... Coz in the end this thing has to be done.. someday..

Just to not regret it later, I ...



Tomorrow, If I tell you that
I couldn't control anymore
and help Lix out in his heat
while I'm in rut. What would
you do?


Author's Pov~

On the other side, Minho's phone pop out the notification, he groaned since he is playing video games with Chan and Changbin.. and loosing is the last thing he ever want in his life.

He give a glance at his phone with an annoyed expression but the annoyed expression turned into serious once he read 'Tomorrow, If I tell you that I couldn't control-" and that's when the screen got black again.. he immediately let the remote slip from his hand and pick his phone in seconds as if his life depends on it.

"Haha! For the first time You lost!" Changbin teased but to his answer there is no reaction on his face and that's how the other two also slip the remote from their hand and look at him worriedly.

That's rare to see Minho loosing against them.. he is so competitive.. it's not that the other 2 are not competitive, they are but Minho is too much. They asked in unison "what happened?" Worry is dripping from their faces, the brows creased, seriously looking at Minho's expression.


That's what he utter after all the suspense..


If that's what you both want,
I'll let it slide and let it happen.

It's your life, your Omega,
your mate.

He hesitantly answered but then he smiled and put his phone down..

"The heck? What happened?" Chan asked and Changbin just looking at him with curiosity... He is surprised that Changbin is not yelling annoyingly to know the beef.
Ofc, he wouldn't when he saw the worried, hesitant and then happiness on his Hyung's face in just a minute.

Minho opened his phone and when Chan was about to smack the shit outta him to not answering he showed them their phone..
They both look at it and read Hyunjin's text and Changbin smirked while Chan just smile and said "you okay with it?" And Minho nodded.. they smiled when Changbin interrupted "so that's why he wants to go home and not wanting to stay here, huh?" He said getting two smacks from both sides and the trio laughed..

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