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Hyunjin's pov~

It was 7 in the morning when I woke up because of Felix nuzzling in my neck too much, I am not disliking it.. I love it, I love him but the thing is I am sleepy.. I wanna sleep but him purring in sleep isn't helping.

He was all over me, his hands are wrapping around me, legs are on mine, and his whole body is kind of on me. I can feel his boxers getting wet as time passing, he is leaking slick too much.. never knew omegas release that much slick or it's just my omega doing this.. don't know.

The way he is whimpering and releasing slick and pheromones, his body is getting hotter every second... The only thought came in my mind is... 'Is he having a wet dream or what?'
His pheromones are tempting me.

I tried to move his face so he stop nuzzling in my neck but the more I tried, the more he hugs me closely.

I tried to sleep just like that but he is snuggling with me too much that I can't breathe..

"Lix.. Lix.." I tried to wake him up but all he did is moan.. MOAN?! He surely is having wet dream... Uh-

I tried not to focus on him now and closed my eyes to sleep.. it was good till only five minutes and then he mewled 'H-hyunjiniee~.. ahh- Alpha~'

Am I supposed to stay quite and not do anything? Well, too bad. I mean, I didn't do anything... It's just my dick getting hard in my boxers and I am getting horny because of his moans-

"Felix, Felix, wake up! Wake up.. please Wake up or I'll end up pounding in you without your consent... Wake up, baby" I am not lying though.. he is tempting me to hard.

He whimpered again and I can't do anything... He is a heavy sleeper and I am realizing it now.

The way he is sleeping after waking me and my hard dick! Just you wait, little chick!

I have to jerk off! Don't judge me!

(This is Hyunjin saying things! Not me!)

I tried to get out of his hold but he holds on me even more and after whole eight to ten minutes of struggling.. I finally came out of his hold without him whining.

I made my way to bathroom and done my work as soon as possible and came back to lay down beside him.

I'm in rut and he's in heat.. I know I have to control myself but his pheromones and mewling isn't helping me to stay away from him. I hugged him and he snuggled in my chest even though he is sleeping.


I scrolled my Instagram, I saw what he posted yesterday...



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feel.ticks that's mah man!😋😘💋

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@iam.depressed: so happy for you, mate!❤️✨
@feel.ticks: thanks, mate❤️

@bin_the_boss: you both are so cute together 😭❤️
@feel.ticks: thanks, Hyung! 🥺❤️

@hopeless_me: are you both fine? I swear if one of you burn the house down!! 😒
@feel.ticks: you could've say something good 😑🙄
@Prince_Hyun: let it go, babe😘 and you @hopeless_me I'll burn your house down after taking your brother with me🤪🤪

@in.needof_hope: @iamtired_of_life.fr @normal_likeeveryone look what they both are doing after kicking us out😒 but I am happy for both of you🥺❤️
@iamtired_of_life.fr: I see 👀 but that's good since we don't have to care about him much😀
@normal_likeeveryone: yeah.. you both are right! Hyung got his mate!😍

@wooyoung: you both together?? Wow!! 😍😍
@yeonjun: @Prince_Hyun @feel.ticks congrats brosss🥳🥳
@jackson_wing: Woahhh!!🥳✨🥂🙌🏻

And there were a lot of comments from our friends..

I was scrolling his pictures when I saw its about to 9 in morning and I feel something wet on my neck and when I look at him I found him kitten licking my neck while looking at me with puppy eyes.

I frowned my brows and put my phone aside and he pouted "why are you not giving me attention?" He asked outing and I peck his pout, he blushed and hit my chest..

"Morning" I said chuckling, while looking at his reaction and he snuggled in me and mumbled "morning"

"So? Am I your man?" I teased and he nodded his head blushing..

"I wanna listen from your mouth, babe, tell me in words" I teased hovering over him and he hide his face behind his tiny hands.. I hold them and pinned them above his head while making him look into my eyes..


"Yes, what? Babe?" I leave a a fresh hickey on his jaw when he moaned and mewled.. "yes.. you are mine" I smiled and whispered in his ear "hmm, you are mine and I'm yours" he smiled blushingly and look everywhere in the room but me.. I holds his both wrists with my one hand and made him look at me with other ...

"You are so beautiful, so breathtaking, baby" I praised his goddess beauty and he moaned.. "huh? Baby.... praise kink?" I asked teasing him, my knee are right on his wet inner thighs as he is leaking slick too much.. and he moaned again.. so he really has praise kink.

"So beautiful, babe" I knowingly teased and he moaned again.. I smile and kiss his perfect jaw once more and he moved his head, I look at him and realized he wants me to kiss his lips more.. I smiled and pecks him before carried him in my embrace and went for shower..



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Prince_Hyun    mine❤️

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@beomgyu my bro is kiyowo!! And another bro is in love😍
@Prince_Hyun: shut up, bro!!😃

@Bin_the_boss: well, Lixie is cute but you both are cuter together 😍
@normal_likeeveryone: I wish you could've learn something from Hyunjiniee Hyung🥺🙄..
@iamtired_of_life.fr: good luck, hyung✌🏻
@feel ticks: @Bin_the_boss g'day mate✌🏻😂
@hopeless_me: best of luck, buddy😈😈 hahaha!!😂
@in.needof_hope: duh- we'll pray for you, Hyung😭✌🏻😂
@Bin_the_boss: 😭😭😭 save me, please 🥺
@hopeless_me: @in.needof_hope whatcha doing below my comment?🙄😑
@in.needof_hope: fuck you!🖕🏻
@hopeless_me: 😯😯

@Prince_Hyun: @hopeless_me 😂😂the way Haniee insult you always😭😭 you deserve that!🖕🏻😭😂

@iam.depressed: ohh shit, Hyunjin! Your post started fights😭
@Prince_hyun: 😂😂 that's fun! 😭

Not proofread!!

Hope you guys have a good day/morning/night/evening!!❤️❤️❤️

~Lots Of Love ❤️💜💙🤍🖤~

Trusfrated! 😩

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