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Hyunjin's Pov~

I once digest what Minho had said and look at him with my eyes fully wide and Minho chuckle at my reaction..

"I am not lying... I really want you to be with him.. I know he is safe around you-"

"Not now though" I cut him off, thinking of the fact that could happen if I didn't control myself and run from there. His scent was inviting me to go close to him and make him mine even if I know he is mine.

"No. He is safe.. I mean, if you both wants to let the world know that you are mates then why not just go and mark him yours?" He said and I am shocked at how openly and carefree he is saying these.

"The Minho I know is the opposite of what I am witnessing now... You are too damn possessive of him... I am flabbergasted how you are saying me to mark him just like it's a simple thing"

"I am possessive but when I know he found his mate then why not letting his mate being possessive over him and I should stay carefree now" he shrugged his shoulders and I look at him fondly and if I say his talks didn't left an impact on me then I would be lying... I really want this to happen but ... Does Felix want that?? He left me fucking blushing!!

To cover my blush I turn the tables and now he looked at me shock "if you are ready to give me what's mine..  then why not you should find your mate too and live your life fully? Just find him or her and build your family" I winked and he look at me, his eyes going wide when I emphasized the word 'her'.

Just to tease him more I added "or did you find them?" I know he didn't coz if he did he would've told me by now.. we are besties for nothing..

"I- I didn't" he said and look outside the window... I mean.. why did he stutter? Is he flustered of thinking of his mate... Or he really found his mate??!!

"You stuttered" I said sternly, knowing well he wouldn't hide things but why would I feel like he is lying.

"I didn't" ohhh... White lies!

"You can just say if you didn't want to tell me but you don't have to lie to cover up your said lies" I sulked and he knows I won't talk to him they way I did until he won't make it up to me... Being the younger one in my group helps me a lot.. haha!

"Hyunji-" he called my name but I didn't listen and start the car again to drop him at Chan Hyung's house.

"C'mon Hyunjin.. don't be a brat" he said and I still went with my annoying look on my face.

"Hyun- fuck!" He cuss when I intentionally speedup and turn the car at the left with the tyres making a loud noise.

"Ughh! Fine" I still did not slow down the speed of the car and went on my pace... I won't until he told me..

*Sigh* he deeply sighed and "okayy... I already know who it is" he said and continued "could you please steed it down?" He asked as humble as possible.. there are people looking horrified on the side streets as if I'll hit them.. I devilishly smiled speeding up a little bit more and.. "calm the fuck down, man, I am not gonna drive us to heaven unless Chan Hyung's house is there" he laughed, knowing well that I am back to my normal behavior with him..

Once we reached Hyung's house.. Chan Hyung was already at the door, waiting for us.. he came towards the car when he saw us.. "why are you not coming, Hyun?" He asked me when the person get off the car is only Min and not me with him..

"I can't, Hyung... I have a shoot pending" I pouted.

"Look at how big has our child grown?" He said in awe.

"Ofc, he was about to send me to hell... Thanks to God that he made me live more and give him some mercy before your child blew us away to hell" he taunted and Chan Hyung laughed asking what happened.. I just eyed that little bean of shit... First, he lied now he is complaining! Like, the hell!

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