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Before reading this one.. read the chapter 28th... Double update it is!!🎉🥳



Hyunjin pulled back and look at Felix who was breathing heavily.. "you taste as sweet as honey" he blushed and hide his face with his hands and Hyunjin chuckled and hovers over him and kissed him, making Felix taste his own cum a little.

"I didn't go too far, right? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked softly and Felix smiled saying "No, you made me feel which I never felt" he said and pushed Hyunjin back and he fell on bed on his back and Felix hovers over him and Hyunjin holds him by his bare waist.

"Thanks for coming and helping me" he pecked Hyunjin's lips "that's my duty... First, I was scared to hurt you but then I can't help when you send me your voice message saying you want me.. so I am here" he softly answered and Felix look at him "and calling my Alpha is the best thing you did... It turns me on, to be honest" be admitted and Felix giggled.

"You are my Alpha. I will call you Alpha from now on" he teased "then ready to be fucked again and again whenever you will call me Alpha" He growled and Felix cheesily answer "but you didn't just now"

"I don't want to hurt you... Moreover, I am in rut.. what if I lose full control and knot you" he asked wanting to know what Felix has in his minds regarding them having pups.

"So you don't want pups?" The omega asked sadly. "Did I say that I don't want pups? I am just scared to hurt you and before being a parent I want to spend time with you, I want to know you well, I want to show you all my love, I want you to know me, I want us to be together.. I want to love you" he smiled and peck his nose.

Felix's heart melt at the confession, his eyes drop some tears of happiness and Hyunjin peck them away. Omegas are emotional and sensitive.. and Hyunjin is feeling it all.

"So you want pups?" He asked, making Hyunjin chuckle. "Yeah... I just don't want pups... I want pups with you" he said and Felix shyly hide his face in his chest and Hyunjin wholeheartedly laugh.

For some time both of them remain in same position, Hyunjin loves that his Omega is clingy towards him and Felix loves the Alpha makes him feel happy and better in his heat when he barely even laugh in his heat... He really felt too much pain and mild cramping before.

Felix sat up on Hyunjin's thighs and look at his Alpha looking at him softly. "You don't need help with your problem?" He shyly asked and the Alpha smiled. "Are you willing to help?" He asked and the omega nodded. Hyunjin smiled and said..

"Nah babe, if you are not comfortable with it, don't do it. I will manage" he showed care and the Omega pouted "I want to. I am comfortable with you" he said and Hyunjin raised his brow... "You sure?" "thousand percent" Felix answered making both of them laugh.

"Hmm, let's see what you can do" Hyunjin said and put his both hands behind his head.
"I am all yours, do what you want" even if he feels dominant but is controlling himself.. he wants Felix to do whatever he wants, comfortably.

Felix sit directly on his crotch and smirked looking at Hyunjin's change of expressions. He groaned. Felix bend downwards and peck his lips before he went to open the buttons of his Alpha's shirt by his mouth.

Hyunjin examined his each and every actions and bite his lip looking at the younger. The omega went down and down by opening all the buttons coming in his way. Once he is done, he looks at Hyunjin who is dominantly looking at him and he innocently smiled like he didn't just did a hot stuff.

Felix looks at his toned abs and then at Hyunjin then again at his abs. The urge to feel it with his own hands is insane to him. He again looked at his Alpha and the Alpha nodded as if saying 'go ahead'.

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