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It's been three days since both, Hyunjin and Felix are living together in Minho's house and three days since their heat/rut started.. and in this mean time Felix was worn out. His heat has worsen in these three days, high fever, mild cramping and constant heat waves made him exhausted. He had bad fever, heat waves and mild cramping before too but this time it is worse. Perhaps it is because of his Alpha's presence this time and moreover when he is hitting his rut too. His body aches for Hyunjin's touch and it triggered his heat to intensify. Hyunjin was worried for him but Felix always says it's okay and it is bearable but Hyunjin still doesn't believe it is bearable and okay, looking at him in pain hurts him. These two to three days Hyunjin helped him by jerking off but from Felix's want it is becoming his need to have a sexual intercourse with his Alpha and in this mean time Hyunjin was holding the urge back to rail in him.

Even though Hyunjin fought every single urge to do sinful things with him and hold himself back but his dominant aura, behavioral changes as he become more assertive and protective, displaying more strength and that was enough to make Felix understand what his Alpha wants and so does he.

Felix really wanted a mating mark on his neck and so Hyunjin wanted to mark him, the urge to bite on his mating spot and make his fated mate his official mate, but deep down he was scared to hurt him.

The urge to have him all for himself even he knows Lix is already his but it would be more beautiful when they were walking down streets with hand in hand or Hyunjin holding his waist and everyone whispers around after seeing a beautiful, popular and glowing couple, knowing well they are mates.

How precious the omega will feel when his famous Alpha model announce him as his mate or when his man holds him in front of this whole world without anyone throwing rubbish on their character. He just wants to be with his Alpha in public or in private. "Please~" he whined when Hyunjin confessed that he is scared to hurt him but him being stubborn, didn't give up and continuously whined till his Alpha agreed on mating him tonight.

Felix excitedly jump on him, forgetting the fact that his Alpha is busy with his some paper work and this makes the Alpha growled coz his precious baby unintentionally ruined it. Even though Hyunjin wants to spend his time with his omega but the paper work for his agency is also important.

When Felix realized what he did, he immediately get off of his back and "I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" Hyunjin pulls him on his lap and pin him to the desk at which the omega's breath hitched and the sentence left incomplete. He knows Felix is emotional and he is more emotional is his heat, he playfully winked at him and said..

"Don't be sorry... Yet.." The Alpha teased and the Omega widened his eyes.. not knowing what his Alpha is up to.. "what are you gonna do?" He asked when the Alpha easily picked him up, went to bed and tied his hand with his own belt.. and dominantly said "if you tried to get up from here I'll tie your legs too, okay, baby?" With a peck on his forehead he again went to complete the work.

Felix just sat there with his hands tied backwards and a huge pout on his heart shaped lips. Hyunjin looks at him and chuckled at which he whined gaining the Alpha's teasing words.. "aww, is my baby upset?" "If it's not for me to get a mating mark, I swear, I would've never let you tie me up like that" he whined again.

"Oh, babe, you know you can't do anything" Hyunjin chuckled and again focus on the papers.. after a while the omega start feeling bored so he decide to tease the older back. "Da-ddy... I'll behave, pleaseee" "nah! Sit there quietly" but then the omega realized that it's his hands that are tied and not his legs. He get up and trying to get in between Hyunjin and the table. Hyunjin just sit there looking at him with wide eyes then suddenly his cheeks become red "why are you blushing?" The omega asked... "Coz the view isn't helping... you are looking so fuckable with hands tied and between my legs" Hyunjin answered leaving the papers and holding his waist. "Shut the fuck up!" Felix yelled hiding his blush and looks at his lap while thinking something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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