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Hyunjin Pov~

After seeing all the paintings Felix took my hand and cutely said "Hyune, you did a wonderful work so now, you deserve a  reward" my heart jumped at the word 'reward'.. I mean, it's not gonna what (You and) I think...

"And what's that?" I asked curiously and he out of sudden kissed the back of my hands and get on his tiptoes to kiss my cheeks, both, one by one.

"This" he determined sheepishly, his cheeks becomes a little red as he speaks. I cooed at his cute behavior. "Thanks, buttercup.. but I have a complain" I fake a pout and he looked at me concerned. "What? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, I can see how his eyes went from shy to the emotions of concerned then again shy after my answer..

"Yeah.. you did. I have shown you so much and all I get is four pecks? You could've kiss me a little better.. like here" pointing on my lips, I determined and he hit my chest playfully. I was kidding coz I already promised Min about not doing anything to his little brother not even kiss but the urge to feel him is real.. and the thing is I can't hide it and now, I am cussing myself... Why did I promise such thing that is too difficult to fulfill but I have to fulfill it! Ughhh!!!

"Ohh baby~ I am kidding" I said when he looks down, all shy with my words.. only I knew I'm not kidding.. *sigh*..

I look at him and I feel like he wanna say something but he is controlling himself.. "bub, say what you want" he look at me with doe eyes and the shining of his eyes turns into something mischievous?

"You said you want me to be your canvas and will decorate me.. don't you wanna do that?" He asked, I was a little taken aback at the directness of the question.. and it didn't help my situation.

"Are you that desperate to be my canvas?" I asked raising my right brow and made my hands to let go from his hold as he was still holding it till now from the time he pecks them. I went out of the room, leaving him behind coz I knew he will gonna follow me.. I just don't want to loose control. I know I am not a sentimental person, not that much traditional but if I promised something I'll do my best to fulfill it.. I may break it if it was someone else instead of my best friend.

"Maybe I am" I heard he say while following me, trying to catch me up with his short legs.

I tried to not look too much obvious... I took a deep breathe and went to balcony to release the burning hotness inside me.. The Alpha side of mine is not taking it lightly.

"You know you have to be naked if you want me to decorate you" I intentionally said coz I want him to stop bragging this topic but what he said next took me aback second time a day.

"As if I don't know.. you call me your omega so why would I feel shame in being naked in front of my Alpha?" I feel like he is being sarcastic right now. Is he really?

Does he really want me to wreck and ruin him mercilessly??? Or am I assuming things because it's becoming too hard for me to control myself?

I didn't answer and inhale the fresh air when I feel him wrapping his hands around my waist to chest while back hugging me.

"You call me yours.. you always say I am your omega.. then don't you ever feel like claiming me yours? Or you just wanna claim me yours only in words?" His voice is soft and soothing but the thing he is saying is rough and hot. He leaves me and stand beside me, trying to gain my attention.

"So.. they were right.. you don't want me" he mumbled and I immediately look at him and saw his eyes glistening with few tears in it.. as if he is holding them back from flowing down.

His words made me sad, angry and shock. "Who? Who said?" A tear dropped from his eyes and he look at me.. My eyes and expressions soften as I look at him.. I pull him towards me, hugging him. I just can't see tears in his eyes... Fuck my problem! (Bro got a boner)

"Bub, I call you mine, I always say you are my omega, I feel jealous when you were all touchy with other people, I am too much possessive of you, babe. Do you really think I don't want you? Did I ever make you feel this way?"

He shook his head while hiding his face in my chest and nuzzling.

"Who said these things to you?" I am so fuckin much angry like how the heck he had this thought out of sudden?!

"J-Jungwon and his brother, Riki" he mumbled and I can't tell what I feel... It's just I wanna do one murder, not much.


"Yesterday when I was going towards Jisung's house"

"And Minho let you go alone?"

"No.. I sneaked out" he mumbled hesitantly..

"And does he know that?"

"No.. I didn't tell him.. he won't let me go out alone"

"Next time, if you wanna go somewhere.. call me and I'll drop you there.. you don't have to hesitate to ask anything from me, understood?" I sternly said and he mumbled a small yes.

"So? You want me to claim you?"

"Mate me" he said, hopefully, looking into my eyes. I cooed at him but how can I tell him that if I bite his scent gland and mark him, I'll loose control... My Alpha will claim him its Omega and you can imagine what gonna happen.. I will probably hit my rut and Min already told me that Lix's heat is near too.

"Wait for a little, buttercup" I mumbled and he snuggled in my chest more, coming dangerously close and the thing I was scared to happen just happened.. my hardness hits his crotch.. I can tell he feel my hardness and look at me innocently. There is something mischievous hidden behind this innocence.

"Hyune, you are hard" he said as his cheeks got a hint of a little red rose color, I was fuckin embarrassed and to my luck, before I answer him, I got a call. I clear my throat and attend it.

Once I talked.. I came back to Lix and was upset to break the news but I have to.

"Lix? I have to drop you home, baby" I said and he look at me curiously.

"Isn't it my home?" He asked and I smiled.

"It is but I can't leave you alone, babe. Your safety matters the most. I have to go for a shoot, bub"

He nodded and I drop him at his house before I reach the company for shoot.


Not proofread!

Can anyone tell me if, in this story, Hyunjin and Felix have their first kiss?

I forget.. all I remember is they have their kiss in other stories but in this one.. I don't remember. Ugh!

~Lots Of Love❤️~


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