Chapter 40

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Dr. Diego was kind enough to get me released on the morning of the second day he promised.

I'm still in pain, but less, I'm more aware of what I can and can't do so I'm more independent, but I still need help walking and such.

Today I finally arrived what is supposed to be my home, but I don't remember this place at all. Chris has been patient enough so I don't want to be rude and ask him to take him elsewhere..

"So, the house has a second floor, normally we sleep there since there's the master bedroom, but we can use the guest bedroom on this floor for easier access." I nod.

"Can we stay on the living room for a while? I've been on bed enough these last few days."

"Of course, baby." He helps me install myself on the couch "I'm gonna go get some snacks and then we'll discuss what to order for dinner, we also need to order some groceries."

He hasn't left me, and I know that's not good, not that it bothers me, but he's scare something might happen when he's gone. "Chris..."


"No never mind."

"Tell me." I shake my head "baby, we need to have open communication, please talk to me."

"Could you go get groceries?"

He sighs "Are you tired of me?"

"No, it's not that at all. It isn't healthy for you to keep yourself glue to me, I get that you're scare of leaving me, but we can't live on a bubble, you can go grocery shopping, how long can that take? an hour? I can stay by myself an hour, you can go visit your brother, go to the gym, do your stuff. But this isn't right, and I don't want to keep doing it."

"I... I get it, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was overwhelming you."

"No" I take his hand "I love to have you close to me, you make me feel safe and peaceful, but you being with me it's a constant reminder to you of what happened, you didn't leave the hospital until I did, you've been living on take out, and I want you to be you."

He leans and kisses my lips a little "thank you for worrying about me baby, I promise I'll start to do some stuff on my own, but can we keep it one step at a time?"

"You set the pace; I just want you to be okay." He smiles at me, and I kiss his lips one more time. "Now, you mentioned snacks."

He laughs "I'll go get them."


Flor convinced me to go grocery shopping today, and I'm a little hesitant about leaving her.

"Are you sure you don't need to use the restroom?"

She rolls her eyes "I'm sure."

"Okay... oh! I almost forget." I stand up and go grab her phone from the living room. "If you need me sooner just call me, I'll come back immediately." She stares at her phone with a frown on her face "you remember how to use a phone, right?"

"Yes I remember how to use a phone, but not that phone."

I chuckle before sitting next to her "okay, first a quick lesson." I give it to her "turn it on." She nods and looks all over the phone to find the on/off button, I let her do it, she needs to get familiar to it again.

"Hey this is a cute picture."

I smile widely "it's from the day we decided to move in together." She smiles at me and places a soft kiss on my lips.

Flower Girl. (Chris Evans)Where stories live. Discover now