Chapter 47

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Flor and Dodger have been getting along great, I'm the problem, Dodge doesn't like when I cuddle with Flor, I can be near her as long as he's next to her so in order for us to be able to watch a movie in the couch, we need to include him.

"Honestly I didn't see this coming."

Flor laughs before stretching her hand to take mine "he's just getting used to having me, don't worry, you'll always be his number one."

I shake my head "Clearly I won't, he already prefers you, imagine when we have kids, I'll be forgotten."

"He's going to be such a good big brother."

I smile "I do love that you understand that he's kind of my child."

"Of course, plus he was already your child when I came into your life." I nod and scoop closer to her, but Dodge lifts his head and growls at me "dude, she's my girl, chill out." Flor laughs and caress Dodge's head, so he rest it against his paws again closing his eyes "I'm gonna fucking sleep with one eye open."

"We can always sleep in another room."

I turn to look at her "he can sleep by himself, there's no way I'm sleeping without you."

"Chris, you're getting jealous of your dog."

"No, I'm getting jealous because you're preferring to sleep with him than with me."

"You slept with him for years!"

"Yes, and he can be in bed with us just don't leave me behind." She rolls her eyes at me and scoops closer to me; funny enough Dodger doesn't growl at her.

"I love you, you crazy idiot."

I laugh and shake my head "I love you Flor." I put my arm around her and without opening his eyes Dodger huffs "seriously this is gonna be an issue... how are we suppose to be intimate with he glue to your side?"

Flor blushes "well the same way we'll have to once we have kids, wait for them to be either asleep or not in the house."

I groan "I mean, he can go outside by himself and come inside, we can close the door to our bedroom."

"See, it didn't took you long to figure a plan."

"All I needed was the right motivation "

Flor laughs shaking her head "what are we doing tomorrow?"

I groan and drop my head "I forgot to tell you, mom asked me to ask you to spend the day with her and my sisters, she wants to have a spa day with you kinda as a bachelorette."

She smiles widely "that's so sweet of them, I'll love to, and what are you going to do?"

I shrug "maybe I'll catch up with some of my friends, I haven't been around in a while." She nods and leans closer to rest her head on my shoulder "can you believe that in a couple of weeks we'll be married?"

She whispers "I can't wait love."

"You're gonna be the most beautiful bride in the world."

Flower Girl. (Chris Evans)Where stories live. Discover now