Chapter 1: Message Received

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"Golfball, my shields goin' down, can I get a little help?" came Blocky's voice from the crackly communication system that connected all of them.

"Not right now, I'm kind of occupied if you weren't aware," Golfball snapped in reply.

Laser bullets were flying in every direction, both sides firing at each other.

It had only been a simple supply stealing mission but of course, things could never be simple in this god foresaken city and Golfball's team soon found they were being overwhelmed.

However, this was a common occurrence for them especially in recent months with the protests that happened every other week, security in places like these was getting tighter and tighter.

These supplies didn't do any good though, they just went to the government's lap dogs, the police, the military, important figures and anyone else who helped keep the city the way it was.

If you were a regular citizen, it would be a miracle if you had anything that was being held in these warehouses, unless you had some type of influence, you had to had to fend for yourself.

And that's what they were doing, gathering what they needed to keep themselves alive, they never took too much, just what they could carry back to where they lived, it was hardly even noticeable.

Golfball was a part of a small group of people who had banded together after they had enough of how they were treated, being forced to live in what was essentially poverty and now they wanted their vengeance.

Everyone Golfball knew had been impacted by the unjust system in some way, some were worse than others though.

All of them were sick of it and now they lived off of what they stole from the government itself and got their kicks from messing with the very structures of the city.

It was a dangerous life, they'd gotten involved in gang fights and turf wars, police chases and deadly shoot outs, there was never a day they were safe.

For all of them, it was a step up from how they used to live everyday.

Save for the fact that they were on wanted lists but it was just a small price to pay for a taste of freedom.

The Security Bots were closing in on the group who had taken shelter behind large steel crates, occasionally peeking over to fire at the incoming attackers.

Security Bots were a range of robots created by the government to enforce laws and "keep the citizens safe" they were programmed to kill any dangers on sight.

"Firey, where the hell are the renforcements you called?" Golfball shouted over the sound of the gunfire.

"They'll be here just!"

While he technically wasn't wrong, they didn't come at that exact moment, instead it was a minute later.

When they heard that familiar laughter, they knew that helped had arrived.

With a loud crash as she kicked through a window, her guns blazing and taking out a large amount of the bots, Leafy landed a few feet away from the group, smiling excitedly at the carnage.

"What took you so long?" Firey said into the communication system.

"A girl's gotta be able to make an enterence," Leafy replied jokingly.

"Enough with the chatter, we've gotten what we can get, now let's get out of here before more bots show up," Coiny demanded.

"Hang on, there's still more stuff I wanna grab," Blocky yelled.

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