Chapter 10: A Different Life

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For the umpteenth time that day, Leafy sneezed.


She sniffled as she lay on the sofa, covering her head with a pillow as she groaned and kicked her legs in frustration.

"What's up with her?" Gelatin asked.

"My head hurts, the lights are too bright, turn em off," Leafy complained.

Golfball sighed as she stopped Gelatin from fulfilling Leafy's request.

"She's sick and she's not listening to my advice but hey, what's new?" she rolled her eyes.

Leafy blew a raspberry and kicked again, hating how warm and stuffy she felt.

"You're sick Leafster, that's okay just take a break," Gelatin tried to comfort.

"Being sick is stupid, I don't wanna be sick, I wanna just....bleh," Leafy trailed off at the end.

"She's not gonna listen to us, there's no point in trying," Pin huffed.

Gelatin thought for a moment before a knowing grin crawled onto his face and his eyes lit up.

"You're right, she's not gonna listen to us but there is one person she'll listen to," he snickered.

"I won't listen to anyone cus there's nothing I need to hear," Leafy argued, pushing herself up so her head was raised.

What she failed to realize was the world wasn't actually moving up and down, she was just really dizzy and she fell off the sofa and landed face first on the floor.

"Go get him," Golfball sighed as she put her palm against Leafy's forehead. "She's burning up,"

"I'll get him," Pin said as she stood up.

She left the room and Leafy grabbed Golfball's hand, admiring her nails.

"Oh my god Golfy, you're nails are so pretty!" She gasped.

"You did them for me Leafy, two days ago," Golfball shrugged.

"Oh, I did a pretty good job then, didn't I?" Leafy smiled.

"Yeah, you did, you always do," Golfball said softly, glancing at the soft shade of pink that Leafy had applied to her nails.

Gelatin crouched beside her, smiling and being his usual bubbly self.

"You're always working really hard Leafster, that's why we're saying it's okay for you to rest," Gelatin gave a thumbs up.

Golfball paused, mulling over Gelatin's words and thought about the last few weeks.

Leafy had been on the go non stop, going out every night either on patrol or just to get things the team needed and do her jobs.

Not to mention the amount of run ins she's had with not just the Security Bots but also other people who were like them.

She most likely had caught a cold but Golfball realized it was probably her body telling her she needed to take a break.

At that moment, Firey walked into the living room with a worried look on his face when he saw Leafy on the floor.

"Okay Loverboy, try and convince her to rest somewhere comfortable and look after her," Golfball instructed.

"Done," Firey said proudly as he walked over to Leafy who hadn't moved since he came in.

"Hey Leafs, come on you gotta rest, even I can tell that you're sick," Firey said as he brushed some hair away from her face.

"No, I'm not...ah...achoo!"

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