Chapter 7: Fear and Threats

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Coiny yawned as he walked down a shadowy, dirty street, wishing that the black market they frequented was open during the day.

He understood fully why it couldn't be, too many cops, too many people around but it didn't stop him feeling tired.

Leafy babbled to Firey as they walked, the latter simply gazed at her as though he was totally enchanted.

Knowing him and how his stupid heart worked, he probably was and Coiny wouldn't have even been surprised if he said he hadn't heard a word that Leafy said.

Pin walked, holding his hand she didn't say much, as usual but Coiny didn't mind, she was smiling and that's all he cared about.

They had just entered the market after passing through an underground walkway, guarded by two men and then they gave a password and they were in.

The market was loud and bustling, people buying goods that were illegal or otherwise impossible to get your hands on, strange smells combined in the air and for Coiny it was oddly soothing.

People yelled sales and bargains at them, desperate attempts at flagging a purchase down from "The Underworld Three"

In this place, Leafy, Firey and himself had a status that was almost like celebrities and if they bought something then people were likely to copy, it was pretty funny really.

Sometimes, it got them free stuff and that was always welcome but it was a rare occasion.

Eventually, the group moved apart and Coiny found himself wandering alone, checking out a stall full of knives and blades owned by an old woman with one arm.

It seemed fitting...

Despite her scary appearance, she seemed kind, smiling at him and telling him about any blade he asked about.

He picked up a knife with a cool handle and jagged edges and handed her some money.

"Here's your change," the woman smiled.

"Oh, you keep it, I've never been good at maths, I probably didn't give you enough," Coiny shrugged.

The woman shook her head and placed the money into his hand.

"My vision may be gone but even I can see that you've given more than what I asked, I simply couldn't take it," the woman answered.

"That's the end of the discussion," she added in a voice that made Coiny really believe that.

She began talking to another customer and her walked away, admiring the knife as he made his way back to the main area.

It made him feel a bit sad, people like that woman were beaten down and discriminated against because the system dubs them to be "washed up" and "worthless".

They weren't, people like her weren't, they were trying to get by, to live when this city didn't want them to.

That's what everyone in this market was doing, they weren't scum, they were simply trying to survive.

They were prejudiced against because the system favours the rich and powerful over the weak.

It made him sick.

Coiny walked over a manhole cover with the city's logo on it and he spat as he glared at it.

The very symbol that kept all of these people down.

Two children ran past him, laughing as they played some game and Coiny felt his heart twinge.

How could you lump kids into the same pile as everyone here? They hadn't even had a chance to live yet.

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