Chapter 5: Training Secrets

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For an entire week, Leafy slept alone.

For an entire week, Leafy slept badly.

But she still needed Firey to learn that the team needed to work as a team, not just as some weird hobby.

She didn't like sleeping by herself, the room they shared had a double bed so it was just too cold to be alone.

Saying goodnight to Firey at night was one of the worst things she'd felt for a while, he'd been sleeping on the couch and that meant he had to wait for people to be done using the living room so he could rest.

Things were fine during the day and Leafy knew it was only a matter of time before she buckled and let him in the bed again.

It was his punishment of sorts for running off without telling people and he had accepted it, he hadn't even asked how long it would last.

There was a mutual respect between them both and Firey could understand why she was upset so he simply didn't want to push past those boundaries.

Leafy knew that he wasn't trying to be malicious or anything and every night it got harder and harder to sleep in that cold bed but she felt that it still needed a few more days if she didn't want to look like a total pushover.

She was sitting on the patio in the back garden, drinking coffee that Firey had brewed even though she hadn't even asked him to.

He was in the kitchen, she assumed he just felt bad for making her so angry, they hadn't spoken much all week and he was never able to meet her gaze and there always seemed to be shame in his eyes.

Of course, they had spoken but not nearly as much as they usually did but they had a pleasant time on the roof when Leafy had gone looking for him.

He gave her a joint that she gladly took, letting herself feel that comfortable heavy feeling that happened when she had those first hits.

They stood there together looking at the city, feeling drowsy and safe, Leafy leaned against him and held his hand, a gesture he returned.

All they spoke about was how the other's day was and it was so sweet, so nice that Leafy came very close to ending the "punishment".

But she didn't, after everything, all she did was kiss him gently on the cheek and say goodnight.

This morning though, he had smiled and that simple thing almost made her falter right there but she stayed strong and accepted the coffee he handed her.

Firey was the only one who could make coffee exactly how she liked it, he just made it in a way that she loved and she could tell he had made it purely by the smell.

That smell wafted out the kitchen window and as the light breeze cooled her, the scent brought comfort and she closed her eyes, resting as the sun warmed her face a little.

She was tired, she wanted nothing more than to flop onto her freshly washed sheets and snuggle up in Firey's arms as he stroked her hair and whispered sweet nothings to her.

Without even realizing, a small smile crept on her face as she slumped downwards in the swing chair she sat on.


"Uh Leafy, are you awake?"

"YES...uh what?" She jumped in fright as she opened her eyes, hitting her head against the wooden frame and she hissed in pain.

"Sorry," Tennisball said sheepishly.

"No worries," she replied, rubbing the sore spot. "What's up?"

"I just had a question that I wanted to ask you, if it's no trouble," Tennisball said.

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