Chapter 4: Bullets and Blame

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"Alright TB, it's your first patrol, how you feeling?" Gelatin asked as the stood on top of the roof of the mansion.

"Very nervous, if I'm being honest," Tennisball admitted as he looked down at the ground far below.

"There's nothing to worry about, this just gonna be a simple mission, nothing major," Blocky assured.

"What exactly is the mission?" Tennisball wondered.

"Well, at first Leafy said that it should just be something simple but Gelatin and I vouched for ya and now you're getting something that's not totally lame," Blocky grinned.

"Yeah dude, we have faith in you so now you get to..." Gelatin began a drumroll by hitting his hands of the railing.

"Break the Eastern electric grid!" Gelatin and Blocky announced at the same time.

Tennisball wasn't surprised, he knew that this was the type of thing groups like this did all the time, he was just terrified because it was his first outing and he didn't want to be jailed after only a few weeks with this people.

"Don't look so scared, this is usually an easy hit, they care so much about the stupid grids but then they never set any guards," Gelatin scoffed.

"And if they do, it's always the ones who can't even hold a candle to us," Blocky bragged.

"But can we really do it and get away with it? As much as I want to I just don't trust myself," Tennisball frowned.

"Leafy had a feeling you'd say that so that's why herself and Coiny are already on their way there so they can back us up," Gelatin said in an assuring tone.

"Firey is supposed to be there too but no one knows where that dumbass is," Blocky rolled his eyes.

"Even without Firey, Leafy and Coiny are some of the best in the whole city so there's literally nothing to worry about," Gelatin said, getting very giddy.

"Yep so let's head out, we don't wanna keep Coiny waiting, the guys a sucker for punctuality," Blocky said as he adjusted the straps on his clothing and stood up on the railing.

"So...we have to jump," Tennisball gulped.

"You don't have to, people like Golfball just use the ladder there and head on foot, you can do that if you want," Gelatin said, walking over to the ladder with Tennisball.

At the mention of the cold hearted girl's name, Tennisball glared, almost in disgust.

"Dont worry, we're not saying you're like her, you're way better to be around," Blocky laughed, noticing his expression.

"Oh, uh...that's not what I meant..." Tennisball muttered, feeling rather ashamed for his obviousness.

"Dude, she's been really harsh on you for no reason, it's okay," Gelatin said with a soft smile.

"But just because she does that to me doesn't mean I should do that to her," Tennisball shook his head.

"She's been mean to me, sure but everyone had their own things to deal with and maybe, deep down she has her reasons to dislike me but I'm still going to try, I'm not going to dismiss her just to be petty,"

Gelatin and Blocky both looked stunned as they processed Tennisball's words, a small chuckle escaped from Blocky as he shook his head.

"You're a way better person than I'll ever be then," he laughed.

"Maybe, maybe not, we're all just trying to live," Tennisball shrugged.

"I still don't think you should just accept her being a total ass though," Gelatin sighed.

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