Chapter 11: Keep Me Close

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While Leafy was the leader of the group, she didn't do it all by herself, that would be beyond even someone like her.

Golfball was the brains behind everything, she advised Leafy on what the best course of action would be for big decisions and kept logs on everything that happened within the city to keep up to date.

The only reason she wasn't the leader was because she was too argumentative and people didn't listen to her the way they listened to Leafy, who was a lot gentler but firm when needed.

She had welcomed Leafy to stay with her after they first met, the two of them were the original members of the group and were the reason it existed at all.

But of course, Coiny also played an important role within the group, acting as a co-leader and right hand man for Leafy, along with this, he was in charge of weapons and making sure the supply was always useable and never ran low.

He was the third member of the group, working with Leafy and Golfball as a trio.

This meant that the three of them often had meetings that no one else was able to be apart of, any information presented in these meetings would be shared afterwards onces it had been discussed.

Unsurprisingly, Pin was not a fan of this, she had never liked it from the start.

Originally, it was because she felt that information should be shared with the whole team and that it wasn't fair for there to be a hierarchy but soon her feelings changed to much more selfish ones.

She didn't like that Coiny had secrets with Leafy, she didn't like that there was a duo dynamic between them.

However, Golfball didn't make her feel this way but that was because Coiny had never actually said had romantic feelings for her.

Pin felt threatened by Leafy and everytime she saw her laughing and even just talking to Coiny, she wanted to pull him away and glare at her.

Deep down, Pin knew that Coiny loved her, he was never afraid to show it or admit it, when she was with him, she felt like she was special, like she actually mattered.

He meant more than anything to her, she wanted him to look at her the way everyone looked at Leafy.

The way he used to look at Leafy.

But that was all before they had started dating, since they had been together, Coiny only ever looked at Pin with that look.

It was okay, she didn't need to worry.

Coiny wasn't like that, she shouldn't be scared.

She shook her head to try and rid herself of these thoughts, not wanting them to spiral into depressive ones.

Leaning against the wall, she sighed as she heard the muffled voices, barely audible from all the way down the steps of Golfball's lab, leaving her unable to decipher what they were.

This was normal for her, when she thought no one else was around but life sometimes decides that it doesn't like her.

"Hey Pin, what's up?"

With a scowl, she turned her attention to where the voice came from, knowing damn well who it was.

"None of your business, Firey," she snapped.

His usual smile was replaced by a hateful expression as the two challenged eachother, not willing to be civil.

They both didn't like the other, having their own reasons and sticking to them.

Pin didn't like him because of his immaturity and wrecklessness, paired with his cocky attitude, to her, he was an annoying guy.

When they first met, she was able to deal with him, they were never particularly close but things weren't as tense as they were now but all of that changed.

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