Chapter 13: Losing You

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Leafy was a kind person, that was just how she was.

There was no motive, no hidden meaning, she was just the type of girl who like the good feelings she had when she made people happy.

But she didn't feel unreachable, like someone who was so far above it all that she didn't feel real, she was just like any other person and she had bad days too.

She didn't let it get to her, even when she felt her worst she tried hard not to snap at others, even if she failed sometimes.

Some might say she was a bit over the top and overbearing when they first meet her but really she was the kind of person you had to wait a little bit to see who she truly was.

Her bravery and selflessness earned her respect and admiration from the people who knew her.

Coiny was no different, that was evident from the moment they met.

It was a few years ago at this point, he had just turned sixteen and was making a living by pick pocketing and robbing what he could from the black market.

That hadn't been what he wanted to do but he didn't even have a home and the people in the markets were assholes anyway so he figured that everything was fair game.

His parents were deadbeats, instead of looking after their only child, they gave their love to gambling, alcohol and hard drugs, because of these fun habits, the family was broke.

In this situation, most parents might force their kid to get a job and use that money but unfortunately, Coiny's parents were the bottom of the barrel and they forced him to move out.

He hadn't seen them ever since and that was exactly how he liked it, if he saw them again, he couldn't promise he would be civil.

But he had to greatful in a way, if these idiots hadn't been such dogshit parents, he wouldn't have met the absolute most amazing people in the world.

One night, he was doing his usual routine of walking around the market, pick pocketing and all sorts, totally unaware that he was being followed.

Even though he did this all the time, he wasn't exactly good at the whole stealing thing and people were catching on.

Surprisingly, people weren't happy to be stolen from and they made that very clear.

While he stood in an alleyway, smoking a pack of cigarettes, a group of men cornered him and before he could understand what was happening, he was being curb stomped and beaten around like a piece of cardboard on a windy day.

The last thing he saw before he fully blacked out was a strong voice that sounded feminine and a flash of green.

When he woke up, he didn't know where he was but kneeling beside him and smiling brightly was a pretty girl with green eyes who looked totally delighted to see him.

He wasn't used to people being happy to see him, especially not random strangers who were way out of his league.

The girl called out for someone and got up to leave, very energetic and excited until she stopped and apologized.

"What am I doing? I can't just leave you, you just woke up," she babbled as she kneeled beside him again.

By that point, Coiny had realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt and immediately felt embarrassment and self consciousness wash over him.

"I'm sorry about your shirt," the girl said. "You got pretty messed up back there, you had to be bandaged up,"

He glanced downward and got a shock when he saw his torso was wrapped with gauze and when he moved even just a little, a sharp pain shot through him.

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