Chapter 3: Blank Eyes

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As usual, Golfball was hauled up in her lab, brushing up on her research, fixing people's Digi-Guns and testing out any spare parts she had lying around.

She didn't mind being in her lab, days like this were wins in her book. She had never really been and outdoors type of person, the only time she ever was, was for field studies.

Maybe thats why she always looked so pale? She took vitamin supplements but you couldn't replace the undoubtable impact that the sun could have.

She glared at the small window in the far corner of the massive basement, the only source of natural light, it looked so stupid and pointless, especially in comparison to all of the highly advanced tech that was all over the place.

A yawn escaped from her before she sipped some fresh, black coffee, the mug was warm and pleasant and she found that she was soothed by the warmth which is strange since coffee is supposed to wake you up, not put you to sleep.

However, that might have been her fault because at this point her sleep schedule was basically non-existent with how irregularly she was going to sleep at.

Leafy had been nagging her recently about getting some decent sleep and deep down a part of Golfball agreed with what she said but as expected, Golfball dismissed it.

"GB, you really need to get a good night's sleep, it can't be healthy and we need you to be at your best, you're the one who keeps the shields up and all that technology stuff," Leafy had said when she came down to the lab late one night after she noticed the lights were still on.

"But there's so much I need to do, how can I keep the weapons at top quality without the research that requires," Golfball snapped in reply.

"I've told you before, there's no deadlines, no pressure, the most important thing is your health and if this is stressing you then maybe you should take a break," Leafy smiled, with nothing but kind intentions behind her words.

"Well with how often you idiots break those damn guns, I can't give myself a break, maybe if you showed a bit more care then maybe the others would copy you since you seem to be the defacto leader," Golfball had said with venom in her words.

"Golfball, I have a huge amount of respect for you, you know that but there's no one putting this pressure on you but you, so when I pull you up on it, it's just because I care about you, I'm not trying to undermine you," Leafy had then walked forward to where Golfball sat and placed a small bar of chocolate onto the desk.

"I don't wanna see you work yourself into the ground, it's happened before and it wasn't exactly fun to see," she tried to joke.

Goldball didn't look at her, keeping her focus on the welding she had been working on before she'd been interrupted.

"I mean it GB, you were my first real friend in this city and I really do care," Leafy said, putting a comforting hand on the grey eyed girl's shoulder.

"Thanks," Golfball muttered but barely able to be heard.

"Come on, you need a hug, I can tell," Leafy grinned, putting her arms out.

"I'd really rather not," Golfball recoiled.

"Come on," Leafy wheedled.

"Fine," Golfball groaned, moving her swivel chair and allowing herself to be hugged by the green haired girl.

"You're warm," Golfball remarked.

"You'd be warm too if you slept in a bed, silly," Leafy laughed.

"I'll go to bed soon," Golfball sighed.

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