Chapter 16: B̵̡͛ĩ̴̜̳͒ỏ̴̤n̵̮͎͝i̵͓̩̔̂c̴̮͛͠ ̶͓̮̈́Ę̸̢̈r̶̠͚̉r̴̫̰̒ò̴͔̈́r̴̼͔̋ ̸̟͓͒̂

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"So, a successful day then?"

"Don't mock me you over begged bastard,"

"Temper, temper, don't get all in a tizz, Four, I'm allowed to joke,"

Four glared daggers at the green haired idiot who mockingly raised his champagne glass with a cruel smile.

"These protests are getting out of hand and it's getting harder and harder to quell them," Four sighed.

"Well, what are you expecting, we're not exactly giving the poverty striken everything we can and people aren't fans of the increased surveillance," Two shrugged, sipping the sparkling beverage.

"We give those ungrateful slobs enough, that's all they deserve," Four snarled.

"But is it enough? If you don't want a rebellion on your hands you'd better keep an eye on that," Two mused.

"Ha ha, very funny," Four glared.

"That's my job," Two smiled smugly

"I thought that connecting with the citizens was your job," Four glared.

"Hm, alas there's only so much I can do I'm afraid, sometimes anger can even outweigh my charisma," Two sighed, placing their hand over his chest.

"Sometimes I wonder if you even deserve your ministry titles, you're just a glorified celebrity at this point," Four rolled their eyes.

"Hm and how many times have I saved your sorry arse with my swaying words and personality? You should be greatful you little twat," Two retorted.

"Please, all you do is flit around and pose for the cameras, acting like you can stand to be around the street urchins and whores," Four scoffed.

"It's important work, they need to think that we care, that we're people they can trust, if it weren't for me they would already be sick of you and you'd already be dead," Two huffed.

"Oh, shut up, you pampered wuss," Four snapped as they stood up and walked over to the large wall length window and gazed out at the vast, electric city.

It was bright and even through the glass you could hear car horns beeping, the hum of people and all of the nonsense that a city lives with.

How pathetic.

Everyone down there was under their control, every move they made, every step they took was checked on monitors, cameras and so much more.

Submission to the system was the norm and it was awarded with slightly better facilities and styles of living, all of that, of course, depending on how much power and influence you had.

What was point of looking after people who never bothered to work a day in their lives? Yes, the complained but they brought it on themselves and these people were never revolutionaries who needed to be given a second thought.

It was the few who didn't submit, who didn't give their lives to the city who worried someone like Four, the ones that even the best surveillance systems couldn't reach.

But something that Four had learned was that sometimes the best surveillance wasn't even digital at all.

Even better still, was that it could be planted right under people's noses.

And it was amazing how quickly people could turn on their comrades and families when they were promised something just a bit better than their current life.

Rats, all of them.

Treachery, lies and deceit, sadly all built upon trust, honesty and love, how poetically tragic.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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