Chapter 6: Burning Blaze

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The Neon Haven bar had always been one of Firey's favorite places in all of Numero City.

He liked the hum of the patrons, he liked the music, he liked the variety of drinks they sold.

But most of all he liked the memories he associated with the place, stupid stories of them doing stupid stuff when they were drunk.

His two favorite memories were the first time he came here as a proper team, feeling comfortable with the company he kept and laughing until he got a stitch and loving every moment of it.

And that memory was cute and all but it didn't even come close to his absolute favorite one, the one that crossed his mind very often, the one that made him smile no matter what.

In this bar, down a little, dimly lit corridor was the place he made out with Leafy for the first time.

They were both totally hammered, they hadn't even started dating yet but for Firey, those feelings were definitely there and with each drink, every word, every touch made them hard to control.

She asked him to walk with her to get some fresh air after having been cooped up for most of the night and he gladly went with her, both of them laughing and stumbling a little as they went.

The whole time they chatted outside, Firey couldn't take his eyes off of her, struggling not to kiss her right there and then as her gentle giggles and slightly slurred words almost hypnotized him.

By some miracle, he managed to stay put and after they opened the door to go back in, Firey thought that would be that, much to his dismay.

However, Leafy stopped where she was, turning to face Firey with a sly grin on her face.

Under those dim lights, she still looked perfect, the electric blue neon of a nearby sign reflected in her eyes like lightning and for a single, terrifying moment, Firey was at a loss for words.

Until he felt her step closer and suddenly, her lips were on his.

It wasn't a quick peck, it wasn't even a shy kiss that you quickly pulled away from.

There was heat in it, a sweetness, a passion, a power, just something that Firey couldn't resist.

He would never have anticipated that night he would hold Leafy in a way that he never would even dare to imagine, that his hands would be on her, messing her hair up and relishing every second of it.

When Leafy pulled away, they were both breathing heavily, still holding eachother until, very slowly, they moved apart and walked back into the main area of the bar like nothing had happened.

They didn't talk about it until a few days later and it wasn't even a proper talk, Leafy just left a small note apologizing for doing that out of nowhere and Firey was too scared to say anything and he accepted that he had probably messed up big time.

Until a month later, they were in the bar again and Leafy brought him outside again, only this time, they had a proper talk and everything was laid out and set in stone.

And they made out again.

This bar was the place and possibly the reason he had the guts to actually do something with his feelings and that's a big part of why he loved it.

Leafy didn't come here much nowadays, she didn't like how careless she got when she drank and only did it when she felt a bad emotion that she wanted to get rid of.

In Firey's eyes, it just made it more special when she did come here and have a drink with him and he understood why she didn't do it all the time.

He usually came here with Coiny, Gelatin and Blocky, of course if anyone else wanted to tag along they could.

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