Chapter 12: A Misunderstanding

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Tennisball had just finished making himself some lunch and was sat at the kitchen table finishing it off.

It was an easy day in terms of activities, there were no plans for anything big and he wasn't on patrol, so far all he had done today was train with Leafy for a few hours and caught up on some books he was reading.

Other people in the group were also relaxing and doing things they enjoyed.

Pin was in the kitchen baking and listening to music as she did with Coiny "helping her" by not so secret eating the batter and the toppings.

Gelatin was playing boardgames with Lollipop and Blocky who had to keep explaining the rules, particularly when it came to Jenga because Gelatin kept knocking over the tower on purpose.

He knew the rules very well, he just liked the sound the blocks made when the tower fell.

Ruby was in the living room too but she was more interested in reading some gossip magazines and getting the lastest dirt on celebrities.

Firey and Leafy were resting in their usual spot in the garden, in a little hammock that Leafy had made to make the most of the sunlight.

They were content in eachother's arms with Firey swaying the hammock side to side with his leg while they spoke tired, loving words and struggled to stay awake.

Golfball, to no one's surprise, was in her lab and working on some maintenance in total solitude.

That was her idea of relaxing and though some people might thing it a bit strange, Tennisball understood that sometimes the joy that tinkering with gadgets brought was better than any company.

In his bedroom, his desk was entirely dedicated to studying the workings of the mechanical and technological aspects of the city as well as fixing up weapons for people when Golfball wasn't able to because she didn't have the time.

But obviously, there wasn't much space and he secretly hoped that one day Golfball might let him work in her lab and possibly allow him to use the materials she had down there.

He had been there a few times but had never gotten a proper look around, from what he had seen, Golfball was very talented.

Her notes were thorough, clear and detailed with lots of research and knowledge, her work and efforts were plain to see in the upgrades on the team's weapons and just from the rare times he was there, Tennisball could see her skill quite plainly.

Now, Tennisball didn't like to sound big headed or like he was gloating but he liked to think that he also had a knack for things like that and often found himself wondering what they could do if they were together, assisting eachother with inventions and giving useful criticism.

It was so rare to meet someone who enjoyed the things he did and he really wanted to have a better relationship with the silver haired woman but she was painfully stubborn and his nose was still tender from when she attacked.

They were no longer enemies and Golfball didn't glare at him or completely disregard everything he said but she wasn't going out of her way to engage with him.

Maybe one day, things would be better, Tennisball knew that some people just took time to trust people and in a place like Numero City, trust was not someone that was given out lightly.

According to Leafy, all he could was treat her with respect and eventually she would come around but there was no was of saying how long it could take.

Buzz, buzz.

Glancing down at his communicator, Tennisball was surprised to see a message from Golfball, requesting his assistance in her lab.

Oh, how strange coincidence could be.

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