Chapter 15: Drunken Love

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Pin had drawn the short straw, quite literally.

She was the designated driver for the group going out drinking that night.

But the thing is, the group didn't have a car so all she had to do really was wait around and make sure no one up and died or something.

While everyone around her drank and had fun, she was stuck stone cold sober, with a soda and an unpleasant look on her face.

Even Golfball was having more fun than her, sitting beside Tennisball and  actually smiling and laughing, making physical contact with him.

She sighed as she reclined against the booth, twirling her straw as she watched the other bar goers going about their night.

Blocky and Gelatin played darts together, with the latter, covering Blocky's eyes when he was trying to throw, irritating Blocky to no end.

Lollipop sat in the booth, scrolling on her phone while she smoked a joint she had gotten from Firey, not at all in the mood to chat, especially not with Pin.

Ruby was going around and chatting to every single person, way too buzzed for any normal interaction, laughing her ass off as she danced horribly to the sub par music that blared through the speakers.

Coiny was leaning against her as he argued with Firey over which of the two was "cooler and had the most cred".

In her opinion, it was neither of them.

Leafy sipped a cocktail, smiling at her boyfriend and restraining him by keeping her arm wrapped around him, just in case anything set him off.

"Of course, Firey's the coolest, look at those little freckles," Leafy cooed.

"Don't bring those into this," Firey pleaded.

"No, she's right Firey, those cute, little freckles are sooo cool," Coiny taunted.

"Hey, my freckles are cuter than you'll ever be," Firey grumbled.

"There's no way in hell that you're cute," Coiny glowered.

"I have a roughish charm about me, my dad said that," Firey grinned proudly.

"Your dad is wrong," Coiny shook his head.

"Well, your dad's a bitch," Firey said, putting an emphasis on the last word.

"You're a bitch," Coiny accused.

Pin cringed as she looked between the two idiots, wishing she was anywhere else.

"When did this conversation go from cool to cute to bitchy dads?" She sighed.

"When these two decided to be egotistical," Leafy laughed, swaying her hand and causing some of her drink to spill.

The conversations continued with the banterous tone, Firey and Coiny passed half hearted insults back and forth after they ordered another round of drinks, much to Pin's dismay.

Things got slightly better when Gelatin and Blocky invited them over to play pool and some of the other games the bar had to offer.

The boys jumped at the offer, using it as a way to one up eachother but Leafy and Pin politely turned it down.

When the other guys left, it was just Pin and Leafy sitting in the booth, Pin glanced at her as Leafy hummed happily to herself, sipping her drink with a smile.

"Ya know Pin, you're really pretty, I'm so jealous of your hair," Leafy said, out of no where as she scooted closer to Pin.

She leaned against her and held a strand of Pin's long, red hair and held it near her face, giggling as she did.

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