Chapter 8: Busted

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Golfball, as usual was in her lab but for once she wasn't messing around with gadgets and inventions.

She was in front of her computer, checking surveillance cameras, news articles and logs from the group's recent escapades.

All of it showed a similar pattern and it wasn't exactly one that inspired confidence.

Everything showed quite clearly that the authorities had been aware of what they were doing, that it wasn't just coincidence.

There really was a rat in the group, someone who had been planted there to try and put a stop to them.

The information she had revealed that this had been going on for around six months or so.

The thing that the logs and information couldn't show her was who it was, all she could try and do was examine behaviors, asking discreet questions and anything else that might help.

So far, Leafy and Coiny were the only ones that knew what was going on, those two had been in the group the longest, not counting herself.

She would bet money it wasn't either of them and seeing as they were the unofficial leaders of the group, she figured they should know what's going on.

Since finding out about this, Golfball had been indirectly questioning people, trying to see what she could learn and who her suspects were.

To the others, it was just Golfball being her strange self but she knew better.

Her list of suspects was short but she felt confident in it and believed that she had done pretty well.

In third place was Lollipop, she could never tell if that woman actually liked the group or just stayed because it was basically free accommodation.

In second place was Pin, as much as Golfball liked her, she couldn't deny the hatred she held for Leafy and that she would probably do anything to take her down a notch.

In first place and the one she suspected most was of course Tennisball.

Why wouldn't it be? Wasn't it convenient that she figured this out not long after he joined? There was something shifty about him and she didn't like it.

According to Leafy, he didn't really have any issues with joining the group, when she offered it, he accepted it.

To Golfball, it was all very suspicious.

The thing is, Tennisball knew what was going on too, he had actually been the one the pointed out how weird it was that that had been caught when he saw the logs.

She hadn't believed him at first but when she did a further examination in secret, he saw that she was right.

He didn't know the extent of the research she had done, he probably thought he was in the clear and that she had just dismissed him.

Oh, how wrong he was, the poor idiot didn't know what was coming to him, she spun in her chair and kicked her legs as she laughed to herself.

"Yeah, there's no one around,"

Golfball suddenly stopped, the sound of the voice belonging to the bumbling fool himself made her stop and listen.

"I'm serious, no one will be able to hear,"

He was near the door of her lab, she crept up the stairs as quietly as she could and stood near the door to hear properly.

"I really don't think it would take that long, I mean I thought you said you were unstoppable,"

Who on earth was he talking to? Who was "unstoppable"?

By now, he had started to walk away so she followed after him, not wanting to miss a word he said.

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