Chapter 9: Suits and Champagne

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Their footsteps made a crunching sound as they walked along the loose concrete of the driveway.

It was late, no one else was awake, the house was dark and peaceful.

They checked the phone that had been given to them when all of this had first started.

The crisp air of the night sent a slight shiver down their spine when they turned a corner and no longer had protection from the wind.

They read a message they received and after about ten minutes of walking, they were stood outside a random late-night store.

The idea of buying a drink or something did cross their mind but just as they were about to reach a decision, a fancy, dark blue car with blacked out windows pulled up in front of them.

They opened the door and got in, greeting the other passenger sitting across from them.

"Lovely night, isn't it?" The person said.

"Could be a little warmer," the traitor shrugged.

The other person simply smiled as they sipped a glass of champagne, smiling as they did so.

"So what's up? You never normally like to talk while in the car?"

"Oh, right to business, are we? I was hoping you'd compliment my upgrade,"

"I didn't notice,"

The expression that they got was something they couldn't place, there was malice, there was venom but that smile stayed in place, it was bone chilling.

"... I'm sorry, Four,"

"Good, this upgrade wasn't cheap you know," they sighed.

The upgrade they were referring to was an enhancement to the cyber eye that they had in place of their natural one.

It was built into their head, it allowed Four to see body heat, to see in the dark and it added to their already menacing appearance.

"So tell me..." Four began.

"Any big plans coming up?"

"I haven't heard any dates yet but I know they're planning to hit the city's main electric grid," 

"Hm, a city-wide blackout? We can't have that, now can we?" Four tutted.

The traitor shrugged as they leaned against the window, looking at the neon lights as they whizzed by.

"Just...don't hurt them, send a couple of bots or something, I don't want anyone to die," the traitor sighed.

"Don't tell me you actually care about these people" Four laughed snarkily.

"They're my friends," the traitor mumbled.

"Can you really call yourself their friend?" Four mused.

The traitor folded their arms over their chest, biting their cheek as their eyebrows knitted together.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, you're doing what you need to in order to survive," Four assured.

It took everything in the traitor's power not to snap right there and then, to remind Four that they never even had a choice from the start.

All of this was caused by their stupidity, by their lack of care and now they paid the price.

They held back, knowing full well what Four was capable of and their ability to make it look like a total accident or something self inflicted.

So they did what they had to, give information and in return get money.

And also not a bullet in the head.

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