Day 5: Rope Burns - Espio - AU1

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Espio normally didn't panic. He was the levelheaded, calm, and collected member of Team Chaotix. He didn't need to panic.

This was different. He'd never seen these people before. They wore outfits that seemed... vaguely familiar. They kept calling him the "Son of Constant Vigil." He didn't know what that even meant.

He continued fighting against the ropes that tied his arms together. His wrists felt like they were on fire, but he just had to focus. He kept pulling at them, trying to loosen the knots.

One of the people grabbed his arms. He gritted his teeth, holding in a shout. "Now, you're going to tell us where she is."

He stared in confusion, trying to ignore the pain in his arms. "Who?"

"The Bride, you should know her."

Silence. The person pulling on the ropes, making them drag against his skin. "Well?"

"I don't know who that is." He glared at the person, trying to pull his arms back.

They threw him forward. The ropes dug into his wrists until they'd gone red. He muttered a curse behind his teeth, still pressed together.

"Well, you'll find out soon enough."

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