Day 7: Suffering in Silence - Chiffon - AU1

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If she could just tell them...

She stared at the rest of Team Mage - Silver, Blaze, and Amy - just talking. The way they laughed and smiled. The way their faces morphed with each wonderful emotion.

Chiffon just wished she could do the same so easily.

It just didn't come easy to her anymore. It took effort that she just didn't have. She was too aloof, but too anxious. Too tired, but too nervous and jittery.

It took a conscious ability to react externally with joy or sadness. One she might've lost when she was ten.

She didn't even remember when she last cried. It might've been a year ago? She didn't know.

The Kitsune wished she could be like them. Smiling just seemed to come so easily to them.

And she wished she could tell them everything. What she felt, and what had happened to make her like this. That just because she didn't react to everything the way they probably wanted her to, that didn't mean she wasn't feeling it inside.

"Hey, Chiff? Are you okay?" Silver asked. He was probably repeating the question, from how he prodded her arm.

She looked at him.

"Yes, of course."

Gaia, help her.

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