Day 20: Truth Serum - Sonic - AU1

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(You guys are gonna LOVE this one! Sonic is doing awesome! Also, you get some AU lore drops!)

"So, Hedgehog, what do you have to say?" Eggman hummed, looking at Sonic. The teen grimaced, trying to spit out whatever serum he just was forced to drink.

"Tasted awful." He sputtered incidentally. He didn't mean to speak, but he quickly found the words tumbling out of his mouth.

"Yes, it's a truth serum, so you'll only be able to speak the truth. This way, I shall-"

"I don't like you."

The doctor paused, caught off-guard. He looked back at Sonic. "Pardon?"

"I don't like you." He repeated. Something in his eyes was full of venom. "I don't like you, or your stupid machines, or fighting you, or your jokes. They're annoying and repetitive and ridiculous. It's like I'm living the same day over and over, and it's because of you." He didn't stop.

"Do you think I like being the hero? No! I'd rather be at home, watching shows, or playing guitar, or reading comics, or playing baseball. But you- YOU have to start causing shit, and I have to be EVERYONE'S super awesome, super-speeding, chill hero. I'd rather be at school, I don't even want to be a 'hero' for the rest of my life. I was planning on being a lawyer." He didn't even give an angry smile or a sarcastic laugh. He was dead serious.

"You know what? I don't even dislike you. I fucking hate you." His voice almost cracked.

"I was ELEVEN. I was hardly even in MIDDLE SCHOOL when I started fighting you! When GUN decided to hire a child to do what it couldn't. It. Blows.

"I was a scared, grieving child- I just lost the woman taking care of me. And I thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't realize I was coming to America to be GUN's perfect, little, IDIOT hero! I didn't stand a chance!"

He paused for half-a-second, just to breathe, but the words were spilling out of his mouth so quickly that he couldn't stop.

"I FUCKING HATE THIS! I hate you, and being the hero, and GUN, and everything but my family and friends! The only reason I keep doing this, is because you don't realize that - no matter how many times you come at me with another Badnik with a shiny coat of paint - I'LL DESTROY IT. I ALWAYS DO, YOU BITCH."

He leaned forward, struggling for breath and a moment to relax and stop himself. Finally, he choked out, "You ruined my life... Why...? Did I do something wrong...? Does Gaia really hate me that much...? I-I don't understand..."

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