Day 23: Presumed Dead - Tails - AU2

15 1 6

(Sonic Forces could've been good.)

When the dust settled, Tails didn't move. He tried standing, but his body didn't listen.

"So... Sonic...?" His voice was hardly even audible. He knew that Sonic wouldn't hear him.

Couldn't hear him.


He took in a deep breath, inhaling soot and dust. He coughed, lurching forward.

He felt nauseous and terrified. His hand flew to his mouth as he tried holding in a cough. Or a gag.

Or a sob.

Or a scream.

This wasn't real, right? It couldn't be real.

Sonic didn't back down. He didn't fall. Even if he did, he would stand up again.

And he certainly didn't die.

Still, with the unmoving body that had been before him...

Please no...

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