Day 2: Solitary Confinement - Kitsunami - AU2

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He shouldn't have failed. This was what he deserved.

If he had just acted, if he had just listened. This was his own fault.

Kitsunami tucked his head under his arms. This was all his fault. He deserved this.

But the silence was killing him. The darkness was killing him. The pure feeling of isolation was killing him.

He didn't even know how long he'd been in here.

Starline had just shouted at him for a while. He zoned out about halfway through that. Then, Starline grabbed his arm and yelled, "AND YOU'LL STAY THERE UNTIL YOU'RE SORRY."

And with that, Starline threw him into what seemed like a closet. Of course, it was probably a cell, but it was as small and dark as a closet.

Kit could vaguely hear Surge protest what Starline did, but the Platypus muttered something to her and she fell silent.

Footsteps, then Starline shouted, "And don't think of talking to him or getting him out!"


And it was like that for Gaia knows how long.

He assumed he was there for at least a week, or something.

It wasn't that bad at first. He had what he needed, Starline gave him food, and he wasn't being shouted at all the time.

But he was left alone with his own thoughts. And he started questioning things. And he hated that.

He didn't... like thinking.

It made him feel unsure and scared. It made him doubt all he was doing.

After what might've been two days, things just got worse. The silence was buzzing in his ears. He was restless and couldn't sleep.

He kept mumbling and humming to himself, searching for any semblance of sound.

Finally, he just cried. He didn't know what else to do. Even the sobs seemed far too lonely to him.

And, still now, he was just sitting here. He'd lost the energy to really do much.

Then, it all just burst inside of him. He buried his face in his hands and screamed.

The thoughts were burning in his mind, yet still drowning in silence. He'd be happy to listen to Surge's ramblings, cursing the world and Sonic and the gods themselves. He'd even be happy to just have Starline yell at him.

At least it would be something. And the loneliness would be less relevant. At least he'd be acknowledged. Seen. Not completely shut out.

As he screamed, shouting and yelling to be let out. That he was sorry. That he was scared.

No one came for a while.

Then, a voice whispered, "Damnit, Kit. You're gonna be fine."

His throat felt like it was on fire, but he responded. "Su-Surge?"

"Yea, just stop shoutin'. Starline says he'll take you out tomorrow." She said, her voice low.

Starline called for her. "Gotta go. You'll be fine." Surge whispered quickly.

Kit scrambled to his feet. "Surge, wait please! Don't leave! Please don't!" He pleaded, his hands pressing against the door and his claws digging at it.

"You'll be fine." Surge repeated, clearly unsure of how to comfort the scared child. "Just stay calm." Her footsteps faded. He pressed his head against the door, sniffling.

He couldn't take this for another day.

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