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Tommy and Lani stumble out of the Garrison a few hours after they had entered it. However, they were leaving a lot more drunk than they were upon entry.

After successfully pissing off everyone in the pub they had decided to leave. Lani was clinging onto Tommy's arm now as they both laughed their heads off over old Mr Griffiths reaction to the drunk couple. "Women these days!" He shouted at them as they were leaving. Usually, Tommy would argue with the man for speaking to Lani like that. But then he heard her beautiful laugh, and he had forgotten all of his anger.

"Women these days" Lani repeats, still laughing as she looks up at Tommy. They both found themselves being taken back to when they first met, those first few weeks of pure happiness. Tommy wished that he could go back to then. Trace back his steps and right all of his wrongs. Maybe they could have had a better outcome. He could have been there when the twins were born. He could have been there for her through the pregnancy, though the birth, through those first months. She didn't have to be alone.

"I quite happen to like women these days" Tommy says smugly, putting a cigarette between his lips.

"I'm sure you do Tommy Shelby" she says, laughing to herself as she reaches over to light his cigarette.

He stops in his step for a second.

"Why don't you call me Thomas anymore?" He asks, taking a puff of his now lit cigarette.

Angharad watches as the smoke of his cigarette fades into the abiss of the night. She ponders on his question. There wasn't a simple answer that wouldn't hurt him. But he had asked.

"Because I don't see you the way I used to see you. You're not my Thomas anymore" she says, suddenly serious.

You're not my Thomas anymore.

Tommy could feel the chills runs down his back and the feeling of a thousand pins begin to prick at him. Making him bleed, hurt. But he was frozen. He had stopped walking and stood there staring emotionless at the woman in front of him. The love of his life. She may not love him like she used to. But he could never love her any less. She was his entire world, even if he wasn't even a country in hers. He would love her until the end of time.

"Lani..." he starts softly. He shouldn't have started, as always, he knew that she would cut across him.

"No, Tommy. I can't. You can't just take me out for the night, get me drunk, then expect everything to go back to how it was! It just doesn't work like that. I'm not that fucking easy Tommy. Life isn't that fucking easy" she states, trying her best not to raise her voice. Or let it crack at all. She want going to cry in front of Tommy. Not again.

"I'm not going to give up Leilani. You're the love of my life. You're worth fighting for"


"Where's Tommy? He said he was going to help me with the twins today" Angharad says, rushing down the stairs. Polly and Ada sat by the kitchen table with glasses of whiskey in both of their right hands. A foul look on both of their faces.

The couple had had such a lovely evening last night until their argument. If they could calk it that. As soon as Tommy had spoken his last sentence they didn't speak for the rest of the evening. They just walked back to the house, Tommy went straight to bed. This angered Angharad seeing as he obviously forgot that they had children. Seeing as her first thought was to go and check on the twins. The next morning, Tommy was supposed to take the twins and have some 'bonding' time with them, or just take them away so Angharad could have some down time. But she woke up this morning and there was no sight of him anywhere.

"He's at his fucking mansion" Polly snaps, looking away from the woman as she makes her way to the babies grib, which lies in the corner of the room.

"He's got a mansion?" She asks, in a state of utter shock. She couldn't imagine Tommy Shelby in a mansion. The thought honestly made her laugh out loud.

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