8. Bad Decisions

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I ended up falling asleep on the couch in Folio's room after I cried my eyes out. I had my mind made up and really wanted to get some of my stuff just so I could at least try and grab my iPad to look up flights to get back home. I figured that the guys would still be doing interviews for at least another hour or so, so I left Folio's room to sneak to mine while Noah was out.

I hopped onto the elevator, went up a few floors, and I briskly walked down the hallway to our suite just wanting to be quick. Once I opened the door and froze when I heard the shower going. They must have ended the interviews for the day as soon as we got into our argument.

I decided to be quick and grabbed some clothes, and my iPad. I packed my bag and went to leave the room, but froze when I heard a buzz. I looked and saw Noah's phone lighting up and vibrating with an incoming call. Part of me felt like I needed to just needed to grab my things and go, but the curiosity inside me was killing me.

I hesitantly walked over and glanced down at the phone.

It was a blocked number. It kept ringing. I decided to swipe and pick up. Something in my gut told me not to say anything, just listen.

"Hey baby...I miss you...I was hoping this would be a good time to call." I heard a pleasantly devious female voice on the other end.

"Who's this?" I couldn't continue to be quiet.

Instantly, the phone line went dead. She hung up.
I couldn't call the blocked number back but my eyes watered knowing what I heard. I instantly unlocked his phone still remembering his passcode. I was never usually this type of girl but this phone call just opened a new door.

My heart pounded in my chest. My hand shook with apprehension as I searched through his texts and photos, hoping I would find nothing. I wanted to prove myself wrong and feel like an asshole after for not trusting him. Part of me prayed to the universe it was the wrong number......

Until I came across the evidence I had hoped didn't exist.

He had a hidden folder in his phone...

Personal photos of me that I had sent over the years while he was on the road. Videos of me and him being intimate. I kept scrolling a further and noticed there were more recent photos. My heart started beating harder with panic.

There were photos of a girl...
She looked rather familiar...
She was very pretty and petite but had so many different looks. First she had long blonde hair, then her hair was black...it was almost like different personalities.

How fun.

The photos she sent him over a period of a few months started off as innocent selfies, but grew into risqué photos. I gulped hard not wanting to believe my own watering eyes.


Photos upon photos...of absolutely everything. She wasn't shy and clearly trusted Noah with these. My stomach dropped as I looked over screen shots he saved that showed them sexting back and forth. He even sent her a dick pick back.

My vision became blurrier as the tears came rapidly. There had been questionable times where Noah had kissed fans and what not, but I never suspected that he would actually do something to this extreme behind my back.

I was so flabbergasted that I hadn't even heard the shower turn off a few minutes ago.

Noah, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, saw me and stopped in his tracks standing in the bathroom door way. I turned and locked eyes with him.


He knew exactly by the look on my face what I had found.

I wanted to explode, but I tried to hold myself together wanting answers. I knew it would be hard, but I just wanted honesty.

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