31. Dig Another Grave

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Noah's birthday party was an absolute success. The turn out was full of our closest friends and of course I invited Shannon as well. Noah was making his rounds, spending the entire night full of good times and laughter with everybody. Seeing him so contented made me feel like the party was exactly what he needed to be reminded of how loved he is.

While Noah was off chatting with some people, Shannon nudged me subtly.

"Hey, meet me in the bathroom in ten minutes." She said quietly then went to casually go get a drink. Honestly, it was perfect timing because I knew what we were about to do. I was getting antsy and I could feel the agitation creeping up on me. My palms were itchy, prickling from withdrawal and I couldn't wait to get my fix.

Minutes later, Shannon and I were in the bathroom together, taking turns keeping guard at the door so we could each get our satisfaction in peace without the nerves of being caught. As soon as I snorted the white substance she had prepared for us, I felt all my problems melt away. The warmth of the dopamine coursed through my veins and I could feel the burst of life rushing back to my face. It was a pure ecstasy that was just indescribable.

We rejoined the party after getting ourselves together and I could feel the effects of the alcohol and pills making my eyelids heavy. I felt as if gravity had an extra hold on me as I sauntered over to Noah. He had spotted me and waved me over to join himself and a couple familiar faces.

"Where'd you go babe?" He asked as he slid his arm around my waist. His eyebrows furrowed slightly when I gazed into his eyes and he looked back into mine, noticing how glossy mine were.

"I went outside with Shannon for a bit." I slightly slurred and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You alright? I think you should have some water." He sounded concerned and I kissed his lips reassuringly.

"I'm fine baby. I feel great." I lied through my smile. "Think I just had a little too much tequila." I giggled. Noah just wearily nodded a bit but I knew him well enough to know that he was internally questioning my current condition.

"Okay well, no more tequila tonight babe. I still want you awake for when I finally  get you home alone." He whispered into my ear. He was clearly making an effort to be high spirited. Even though he was seeming to be accepting of my words, his eyes never left my face. I'm convinced he was just going along with it. It was slightly awkward but I was relieved he was letting it go for now.

"You've got it, birthday boy." I muttered softly with my lips close to his. He grabbed me and kissed me warmly...but, for some reason, the vibes were still melancholy between us.

The next morning, I awoke to Noah shaking me abruptly and I opened my eyes completely startled.

"Eve! EVE?!" He panicked.

"WHAT?!" I looked at him and he was pale and panicked. I noticed there was blood on his chest and I quickly sat up seeing specs of blood all over the sheets. "What did you do?!" I squealed.

"What did I do?! What happened to you?! There's blood all over your face!"

My eyes widened and I jumped out of bed rushing to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I had a massive nosebleed in the middle of the night while I was asleep. It had to be from snorting pills with Shannon the night before at the party.


"What the fuck is going on Eve?" Noah followed behind me so he could clean the blood off of his chest where I was resting my head.

"I-I don't know. I'm sure it's nothing. I used to get nose bleeds sometimes as a kid." I replied as I washed my face. Noah remained quiet and I noticed, after I dried my face, that his eyes never left me.

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