47. If I Could Wake Up

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                         ****Noah's POV****

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                    ****Noah's POV****

Nick, Jolly, Folio, Bryan and I had a couple of beers and played a few rounds of pool, swapping teams so everyone got a turn. I knew better than to drink hard liquor and just a beer or two was perfectly fine for me. I had come a very long way and I was well aware of my limits now.

It was nice to try and finally relax my mind for a few hours tonight, thankful I had the boys to keep me distracted from my anxiety and constant worrying. My mind kept wandering back to Evie...thinking of her being at home by herself. She had already said goodnight to me a few hours ago and I knew she was probably sleeping by now, but part of me still felt a little weird about it. Something was telling me I should have just stayed home with her. She insisted that I come out tonight to have a bit of normalcy before the baby comes, but what Evie failed to understand is she was my new normalcy now. And I was perfectly content with that. I already had my years of 'fun' , a lot of it at Eve's expense. Considering she stuck by me through it all, and she even married me and was making me a father , I wanted to prove to her, until the end of my days, that she is my person. Here I was, having a guys night out with my friends, but all I could think about was getting back home to her and the baby.

I continued the game, making jokes with the guys and acting "stupid" like we always did. We all had the same sense of humor, similar of that to a group of immature teenagers. In between laughing hysterically and taking my turn, I occasionally checked my phone. I wasn't looking for instagram notifications or anything else, just strictly making sure Evie wasn't trying to reach me. I was definitely enjoying myself but I still felt a bit of anxiety creeping up on me, planning to leave after this game. I felt like something wasn't right, but I chalked it up to my mini panic attacks when I would think about the baby finally coming home. Of course I was excited to meet my baby boy, but the thought that he could make his way into the world,at any time, was terrifying to me.

Without any surprise,  Jolly and I kicked Folio and Bryan's assess, again. We ended up wrapping things up for the night and before I got in the car to come home, I decided to try and call Evie to let her know I was on my way and ask if she needed anything. She didn't always sleep throughout the entire night that easily ever since she reached the last trimester,  so there was a chance she might still be up. It went straight to voicemail....

That's weird...

Even though the gears started turning in my brain, wanting to jump to conclusions that maybe she was going into labor or needed me and her phone died,  I knew I was being ridiculous and it was clearly the anxiety talking. She was probably fast asleep and snoring by now. It was a little after midnight when I made it home, coming in to a pitch black house. She was definitely passed out.

I quietly made my way up the stairs not wanting to wake Evie and I noticed the bedroom door was wide open. It struck me as odd considering  she always had to keep it shut in order to relax enough to sleep. It was one of her little quirks. I slowly and quietly walked into our room, the dim night light from our bathroom illuminating in the darkness and spilling out partly onto our bedroom floor. The first thing I noticed were all the covers were on the floor, and the pillows were thrown about. What the fuck?

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